Author Services

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

Editing vs. Proofreading – What is The Difference? Part 1

Beginners and experts have been asking this question forever – just what is the difference between editing and proofreading? Aren’t they the same? And what is copyediting? Let’s not forget substantive editing, developmental editing, stylistic editing – have you got a headache yet?  We’re only just...

Breaking into Print. What Length Sells Best? Part 2

Ok, so I can write whatever length book I want; there must be a secret to making sales. Well, yes, there is. Good, honest hard work. That’s it. The process of learning your craft and honing it to perfection never ends. There is always room for improvement and...

Breaking Into Print – What Length Sells Best? Part 1

 There is so much information and advice for authors these days on how to get the first sales under your belt. Some will tell you to publish short stories to get a foot in the door while others will tell you to write really short...

Cut The Fat – Clean Up Your Writing Part 2

So far, you should have cleaned out the unnecessary hedges, intensifiers, and qualifiers from your manuscript. Time to tackle the next bit. Resist Readymade Phrases In 1862, Stephen Foster’s “merry, merry month of May” was fresh and exciting; not so much these days. Seriously, if you can't...

Cut The Fat – Clean Up Your Writing Part 1

There is nothing worse than flabby prose but the English language is one of the wordy ones and we love nothing more than to use those words. Too many sometimes. And it leads to confusing and sometimes ugly reading. Cleaning up your writing is a...

4 Questions to Ask When Writing a Sad Scene

Sad scenes give an emotional impact to your story that adds flavor to the plot. To some authors, overly emotional scenes should be avoided. The writing should be direct and the characters should not be too emotional. However, other well-known authors argue for the inclusion...

Is it a Memoir or an Autobiography?

Despite being closely related, there are key differences between memoirs and autobiographies. One outstanding difference is the timeline that each covers. Autobiographies are systematic and include the person’s experiences in every stage of their lives. Starting from childhood and teenage years, they progress to the character’s...

5 Tips to Jazzing Up Your Sentences Part 3

And so we get to part 3 and the final tip on jazzing your sentences up. By now you should be comfortable playing about with those sentences and seeing what you can come up with so we’re going to take it to the top level...

5 Tips to Jazzing Up Your Sentences Part 2

Are you happy with that? Then it's time to take things up a notch. Combine Independent and Dependent Clauses in One Sentence. Dependent clauses, otherwise called subordinate clauses, cannot stand on their own, despite having a subject and verb that work together. Why? Because they start with...

5 Tips to Jazzing Up Your Sentences Part 1

Are you the kind of writer that uses the same kinds of sentences all the time? Do you think that might be just a little bit monotonous? Think of your writing as being a bass drum, beating steadily with no percussion and no other instruments. Now...