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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

3 Destructive Habits Copywriters Should Avoid – Part 1

Marketing agencies do it; doctors do it and the very worst people are lawyers. And it really annoys people, to the point of frustration.  A couple of examples: You get told that the patient has suffered an acute myocardial infarction but you don’t know whether he...

Doing More with Less Time - Part 2

Do the most important and hardest tasks in the morning This has two effects. First, you are most active and productive in the morning which means you are in the best mindset to take up difficult tasks. Lighter tasks should be scheduled for your afternoon time...

Stress Coping Skills For Writers

If you are a freelance writer, you can get burn-out, even if you do not have a looming boss and may make your own hours. As a freelance writer, you never know exactly when your next payment is going to be from time to time. Often,...

Snacks For Writers To Stash In Their Desk Drawers

Your energy is down.  Your concentration is weak.  The time is about noon. You are, in other words, 'hangry.' What does this mean? You are hungry and angry. You need a snack!   When you work on an empty stomach, you probably have lower productivity.  Your creativity lowers...

Writing Your First Draft (Part 2 of 2)

Since the first draft is riddled with issues that need fixing, the writer should reserve it for his reading. The first draft of a story is something the writer does not share with friends, family, or a partner to read. It is up to the writer's discretion...

Writing Your First Draft (Part 1 of 2)

For those writers struggling to get their thoughts down on paper, “Just start writing” is often the dispensed advice. The rationale behind it is that it becomes less intimidating to write once the writer sees that he has put down words. It becomes smoother in...

5 Non-Existent Words Copywriters Should NEVER Use

Are you are a real grammar queen (or king)? Or are you one of those who really don’t care what their writing is like so long as it sells? It matters not which one you are; the important thing is this – the very last...

Details for Setting

I have previously discussed the importance of sensory details. It gives a three-dimensional effect that transports the reader into the event or situation he is reading. The description of a setting is one that is most challenging for most writers. It can prove taxing, even...

The Need for Introspection

Introspection is an intentional implanting of thought into a character's mind to reveal his response to an event. It can give a clue to what course of action he would take. The lack of introspection leaves the reader blind, having no way of understanding how...

A Writer’s Guide to Style – Part 2

Back to our example. Do you remember the rule? The modifier word, in this case ‘only’, should be as near to the word it modifies as possible. You told the detective that you ran, you didn’t crawl, walk, or anything else. If you didn’t want...