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How to Best Approach a Literary Agent
You have finished writing your book and it has been edited to perfection, it is ready for the world to read, so how do you go about approaching a literary agent? First, in order to approach publishing houses you will need to find yourself a...
Are There Different Types of Literary Agents?
The answer to this question really is no, all literary agents perform the same role. However, you can categorise literary agents into the genres that they deal with. So, for example, you will have nonfiction literary agents and screenplay literary agents. They all pretty much...
How Do You Increase Your Chances Of Success When Querying Agents?
Sometimes you might send many query letters, only to realize that you get too many form rejections for no apparent reason. There are several things that authors often overlook and don’t want to consider. For example, the problem might not be in the query letter...
Playing the Waiting Game After You Send Query Letters
Writing and trying to get published can be a frustrating affair. The hardest part of this process has to be the wait before you receive responses from agents after sending out query letters. Literary agents can be compared to glaciers when it comes to doing...
Mastering The Art Of Sending Query Letters
When you are sending out query letters, you should always remember that “knowledge is power.” Ignorance may be bliss in some industries but when it comes to the publishing field, you should gather as much information as you can about everything. In publishing, you put...
Do I Need a Literary Agent?
Like everything in life, you do not need a literary agent, but it is extremely useful to have one working with you, especially if you are a first time writer and looking to secure that elusive book deal. This is especially true if you want...
Literary Agents: Do We Really Need Them?
Do I really need a literary agent when trying to get my book published? This must be one of the most asked questions by any writer who wants to see their book in print. So, what is the answer? Well the answer is both yes...
Why You Should Consider a Literary Agent When You Have Self-published
Self-publishing is a wonderful opportunity for any writer to be able to publish their work independently; they remain in creative control and it is a useful way of finding out if they have a popular book. Basically they can test the waters, so to speak,...
Mastering The Art Of Writing A Proposal For A Non-Fiction Book
Non-fiction books do not have to be completed before you start looking for an agent. Books such as how-to and self-help books can be sold to agents and editors using proposals. A book proposal has certain components that you must include. Below are the vital...
Do You Need a Literary Agent If You Self-publish?
In essence, the answer is no. You do not need a literary agent to become a self-published author. There are also fewer stigmas now surrounding the image of self-publishing. It has become a way for authors to be recognised and many have gone on to enjoy...