Author Services

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

How to Use Blogs to Market Your Book

One of the most powerful tools for promoting your book and improving your profile is blogs. Before you get started with blogs, find people in your community. For instance, you can use search engines such as Technorati to find blogs that cover your area of...

How Authors Can Use Their Websites to Promote Their Books

Any author who doesn’t own a website should make it a priority to invest in one. A website is one of the most powerful and simplest ways to communicate with readers about anything regarding an author’s book and other works. In order to get a...

Reasons Why Authors Should Use Videos To Promote Books

Many people are terrified about being on a video that will be watched by thousands or even millions of people. However it’s high time that authors deal with their fear of the camera lens because soon they might have no other choice but to make...

Can Videos Be Effective in Book Promotion?

People who want to publish their own books often face difficult decisions about the methods they should use to promote their books. Sometimes they have to choose certain methods because they take less time. In some cases, they choose the methods that will cost less....

Five Tips On How Writers Can Identify Their Audience

One of the most difficult things that an author has to contend with is finding his target audience. If you are trying to become traditionally published, agents will probably ask you about comparison authors. What they are asking is whether you know about your target...

Creative Ways Authors Can Promote Their Books

As the industry becomes more saturated with books, it will become increasingly difficult to promote books. Authors must therefore resort to unusual means of promoting their books. However, you don’t have to do extreme things to promote your book, at least not yet. The following...

How To Convince People That They Want To Buy Your Book

Sometimes it might seem that a self-published author came out of nowhere and became successful in no time. However, the author might have been preparing for the release of his book months or years before he launched it. It is not advisable to start marketing...

How To Turn A Book Into An Instant Sensation

As an author, it is your responsibility to promote your book regardless of whether it will be traditionally published or self-published. Although traditional publishers have dedicated promotions departments, you can significantly boost the visibility of your book by getting involved in the process of making...

Easy Tools That Authors Can Use To Promote Their Books

Unless you have your own publicist or are a bestselling author on the New York Times list, chances are that you won’t have an easy time marketing your books. Many authors reach the point where they start questioning whether they should even be writing books...

Four Unusual Ways to Save a Book from Obscurity

Many authors take their feet off the gas pedal when they have finally published their book. Many of them think that once they get a book out, it will sell well from the get-go without the author's contribution. However, there is a lot of legwork...