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Hundreds of Helpful Articles
We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.
The Query/Pitch Letter
Querying a publisher or literary agent takes a little bit more finesse than writing a blurb, synopsis, or even an entire book. Literary agents and publishers often require a query letter long before they decide if they will request part or all of your manuscript....
The Search For A Literary Agent
Self-publishing has been great but barely does much of anything in the way of becoming an established author. Writing short stories for websites, joining writer’s forums and communities, and marketing in the most cost-effective ways possible hasn’t helped either. After spending some time pursuing a...
The Do’s and Don’ts of Writing Your Query Letter to a Literary Agent
If you have a manuscript that you would like to get published, you will have to approach a literary agent to make it happen. For that, you will have to write a query letter to show the agent that your manuscript is worth taking a...
Essentials to Keep in Mind While Writing a Science Fiction Query Letter to an Agent
Every genre of fiction has its own set of rules that authors need to follow if they wish to be published. Writing a novel can be exceptionally hard. Authors put in their blood, sweat, and tears to perfect it and make it worthy in their...
Agents: A Writer's Best Friend (Part 2 of 2)
Now that you have finished, polished, and edited your manuscript, you are now free to search for an agent. But do not jump at the first agent that you meet. 1) Research to find the most suitable one. There are several publications and websites offering directories...
Agents: A Writer's Best Friend (Part 1 of 2)
Do you need a literary agent? Yes and no. Yes, if you wish to carve a place in traditional publishing a literary agent serves as a gatekeeper who winnows author submissions. No, because on the other side, it is either the agent or the publisher who...
Qualities of the Ideal Literary Agent
For first time authors, finding a literary agent who will understand their work and promote it successfully can be challenging. The process of finding the right agent can also be lengthy and sometimes tedious when considering the need to match your book with the right...
Do You Need an Agent?
As a new writer, you may be wondering if an agent is necessary. Well, that depends entirely on what path you plan on taking with your career - self-publishing or traditional publishing. An agent is responsible for sending out manuscripts to publishers and helping to get...
How to Spot a Literary Agent Scam – Part 2
So, what can you do to work out if an agency is legitimate or not? Only Query Established Agents – Not an editor/agent, or a publisher/agent. There are some agents that do multi-task but being an agent should be their number one priority. Good agents have...
How to Spot a Literary Agent Scam – Part 1
You are ready to start looking for a literary agent but it’s an absolute minefield. There are so many to choose from and they all seem to offer so much. Where do you start? How do you make sure you don’t get caught in a...