Author Services

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

Gender Roles in Romance

We’ve all heard the stories before, about how brave knights save princesses, how superheroes save damsels in distresses. We’ve seen young women fall in love with dark, troubled men and, through the power of love, change them for the better. We’ve heard the manufactured romances...

Nature's Gentle Giant: The Bugul Noz

It’s no secret that people are afraid of the dark. Families tend to avoid going out at night, and when they do they stay in well-lit areas. Night clubs are filled with strobe lights, and when the fun is done, friends go out together. No...

The Effort of Rewriting

The rewriting process is the most challenging part of writing, and it is indispensable. The effort of completing a book with all its necessary elements falling into place is a feat worthy of admiration. Everyone can write, but not everyone can achieve a novel. The...

Horrific Inspirations: The Weeping Woman

Oftentimes, the best-known horror stories come from the inversion of cherished ideas. Whether it be the goodness of people, society’s trust in the government, or even an individual’s faith in religion, as humans we have lofty expectations for the institutions and relationships we allow in...

The Beauty of Contemporary Romances

In Charlotte Brönte’s Jane Eyre, the heroine falls in love with a man whose terrible secrets are dragged into the light. But despite these secrets, she continues to pine after this man and at the end of the novel lives out her life with him. Although we...

Why We Need Technical Writing

Do you remember when you were back in high school or college? Remember when your professor forced you to write all those papers and presentations, made you rewrite those drafts over and over again even if it meant spending night after night correcting everything? Remember...

When You Tell People You're a Writer

When I get money from writing, I’d tell my parents about it. This is because, usually, they plan on buying me something they think I might need. So I tell them I can get it myself, and that they can use the money for something...

Writing at an Effective Pace

Pacing refers to the speed or the rate of motion with which characters, setting, plot, and relationships develop through the story. Pacing, when done too fast, creates a hurried atmosphere and does not give the reader breathing room. Too slow and the reader gets bored. Moderate...

Structuring a Memoir – The Ins and Outs of Writing Your Story

Structuring any novel or book can be the hardest part of the writing process. While most authors love the thrill they get from structuring their stories, some authors find this impossible to do. Writing a memoir is already an emotionally tiring process for many authors,...

Emotional Changes in Characters

Emotional change is an internal aspect of a character. Readers are not fully capable of profoundly understanding these emotional changes, even though they believe they can look through character motivations. The writer must allow the reader access to the emotional changes in a character since...