Beyond the Storm

Fiction - Drama
324 Pages
Reviewed on 09/18/2013
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Karen Pirnot for Readers' Favorite

Beyond the Storm by Joseph Pittman is a story that begins in the present and also takes the reader back in time. A woman waits for her lover to return on a ship when she is swept away to the sea. We are then taken to the current day when Vanessa Massey and Adam Blackburn are destined to meet at a twentieth class reunion. They both have vivid memories of an encounter long ago and their current journey brings feelings about past experiences with one another, perhaps in another lifetime. When the two literally crash into one another during a stormy night, they appear fated to deal both with their own past lives as well as the lives of another couple who were so cruelly parted long ago.

The theme of people fated to meet because of past lives is both intriguing and a difficult idea to pull off in a novel. I didn't always feel it was done to perfection in this book and yet it was intriguing and it held my attention throughout. Pittman cleverly develops his characters via their thoughts and deeds and the personalities tend to sneak up on the reader through their behaviors. In many ways, the book is sophisticated because of all the subtle markers which denote the distinction between the past and the present. For all of you who love the theme of past lives, you'll be spellbound by this book.