Celeste Is A Star
In Celeste is a Star by C. Park, Celeste is scared to play with her friends. She is afraid to get on the swings or go down the slides in the playground. “What if I fall? What if I don't do it right?” are the...
In Celeste is a Star by C. Park, Celeste is scared to play with her friends. She is afraid to get on the swings or go down the slides in the playground. “What if I fall? What if I don't do it right?” are the...
Oh Holy Chicken Fingers, Pickle Juice, and Cheeseballs! by Joseph Lupton is a fun-to-read children's book that contains three stories with non-human characters to show acts of heroism. The Chicken Man Story talks about Chicken Man (Joseph) as he teamed up with his old friend...
Little Jesus and The Bethlehem Birthday is a charming and imaginative glimpse into Jesus' childhood, blending storytelling with cultural and historical context. Author Kimberley Gordon, along with her granddaughters Viviana Camille and Olivia Francine, penned a touching narrative that captures the curiosity and wonder of...
During the closing of the school for the summer holiday, the principal announces that when school resumes, a band will be formed. This not only makes Florenda and her classmates very happy but also gives them something to look forward to. Florenda shares the news...
In The Secrets of Shadywoods by Jill Hovis, Maggie and Julie plan to go to an art camp together, but Maggie is in for a rude disappointment. Maggie’s mom unexpectedly announces an immediate move to a campground in Georgia. Maggie’s fate is to be stuck...
Our minds are more powerful than the average person realizes. In The Secret of the Mind-Garden by B. Raymond Moyers, the young reader learns how their thoughts are like seeds planted in a garden. Good thoughts plant good seeds and nourish them into beautiful plants,...
Rigged: A Starnet Novel by Rose Horn is an exciting, fresh, science fiction adventure targeted at the adolescent reading market. Cadet Tori Winston has long dreamt of joining the Starnet Officers' training academy and one day becoming a captain of a Starship. Despite her father’s...
In Search of the Lost Words by Yoshito Darmon-Shimamori is a vibrant and heartfelt graphic novel aimed at young readers navigating the complexities of multilingual and multicultural identities. The story follows Anna, a bilingual protagonist, as she embarks on an imaginative journey to reconnect with...
Stjarna’s Stars by Patricia Squire weaves a heartfelt tale of young Stjarna, a spirited Icelandic girl whose life takes a dramatic turn after a volcanic eruption forces her family to emigrate to Canada. Through Stjarna’s eyes, readers experience the resilience required for such a journey,...
Light is the essence of our existence on this planet and on a far-off planet where pasumans celebrate the same as humans do here on Earth. In Siva K.C. Penamakuru’s Let There Be Light, preparing for the Diwali celebration each year is very serious. It...