Miri and The Honeybee
Miri and The Honeybee by NJ Lujan is a heartfelt tale of a Yorkshire Terrier used as a breeding dog in a backyard puppy mill. She suffered for a long time at the hands of a cruel owner, Wayne. But things were not the same...
Miri and The Honeybee by NJ Lujan is a heartfelt tale of a Yorkshire Terrier used as a breeding dog in a backyard puppy mill. She suffered for a long time at the hands of a cruel owner, Wayne. But things were not the same...
Hazel’s Great Adventure by James R. Olsen follows Hazel, a dog adjusting to her new home with The Woman Who Takes Me for Long Walks and The Man With Whom I Hunt. She recalls her previous life with The Man Who Trained Me, The Woman...
It’s just before World War II in Massachusetts, and there’s something evil going on at Howling Manor. Dr. Volkov—“Call me Dr. V"— and his two minions are experimenting on children, injecting them with wolfbane in the hopes of creating were-volks. However, the tests aren’t going...
Jeffry Glover’s The Wildebeest and a Bunch of Crock and Other Animal Story Poems is a delightful compilation that captures the whimsical charm of animal tales told through poetry. This collection is told in narrative story poem forms as fables in verse, tall tales, and...
Ramsay the Cat by Wolf Norris is a charming tale that brings to life the adventures of Ramsay, a spirited and curious cat who navigates his world with a delightful blend of innocence and wit. Based on the author’s experiences in Liberia, the story follows...
Squirrels Fall From Trees by Raudseppa Jaan starts with the mother of four feral puppies encountering an unexpected tragedy. These young puppies, Lyra, Hermione, Katniss, and Bella, must now work together and learn how to hunt for food without their mother's guidance. However, things worsen...
The animals of City Zoo have finally been liberated! Fed up with how the humans had run things, the furry and not-so-furry inhabitants of City Zoo had fought hard and had finally been granted their freedom. A democracy created by animals for animals – what...
Uplift is a work of fiction in the mythical adventure, animals, and action genres. Penned by author Jessica Mann, this charming story tells the story of Columbina, a young Clark’s Nutcracker with a sharp intellect and deep curiosity. Raised in a high mountain wilderness, she...
In Pursuit of the Giant Sable Antelope is a young adult adventure by John Manuel. It's 1975. Walker Scoville is an eighteen-year-old American on the trip of a lifetime. Walker and his four friends are on an African safari with English wildlife photographer Cecil Covington....
Ninth Life is a supernatural mystery adventure by Jane Teresa Anderson. Cat is in her ninth life, eager to graduate into a spirit mentor, but first, she must protect and help the humans of the Serene Lotus Center for Health and Wellbeing. Cat diligently follows...