Love At A Girl’s School

And Other Stories
By Diana Altman

In Love At A Girl’s School And Other Stories by Diana Altman, a young girl finds herself fantasizing about her professor and doesn’t understand why so many people she knows don’t see him the way she does. Imagine having Itty Bitty Betsy as a secretary...

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Scars of the Heart

Short Stories
By Bob Van Laerhoven

In Scars of the Heart, Bob Van Laerhoven has taken a most controversial subject and written ten short stories around it. Each story is unique in its own right but the same theme is carried through each one. The author holds the reader’s attention in...

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The Angel's Gate

And Other Mysteries
By G.P. Ritchie

The Angel's Gate And Other Mysteries is a work of fiction in the short story anthology, mystery, horror, and supernatural/suspense genres. It is best suited to mature readers owing to the presence of some graphic and disturbing elements. Penned by G.P. Ritchie, the work is...

The Prophet

Reimagined Through a Woman’s Voice
By Kahlil Gibran, Natalie Solomon, Greg Solomon

A century ago, Kahlil Gibran wrote The Prophet, a revolutionary poetic narrative chronicling the journey of a wise man. In light of societal changes and the unique challenges women face today, Natalie Solomon and Greg Solomon have reimagined Gibran's work from a woman's perspective, presenting...

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Collected Poems & Short Stories
By Jo Taylor

Poet and author Jo Taylor has a rare gift, brilliantly displayed in Postcards, her collection of poems and short stories. Equally adept at free verse, rhyming, and metered poetic forms, and the short story, Taylor moves seamlessly from one to the next in adroit and...


Fiction and Poetry From A Life of Writing
By Bruce Ballard

Life never dishes out what we expect. Indeed, life can be brutally unfair. But we’ve been told that we’ll only get what we can handle. Bruce Ballard’s Invitations takes a look at his life as a writer with Parkinson’s disease. He was a young man...

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Replacement Parts

By Marc Dickinson

Replacement Parts by Marc Dickinson is an interlinked short story collection. In Food, Gas, and Vacancy, Hannah was raised by a single mother who used to be involved with a lot of men until her death from cancer. Her father shows up just in time...

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A Fire for Christmas

By William R. Hincy

In A Fire for Christmas by William R. Hincy, Jeff sends a story to Lourdes about his childhood where he is subjected to receiving presents that are nowhere near what he wanted, with misfitting clothes, oinking slippers, and the try-it-on attitude of his parents to...

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Tarnished Dreams

Short Stories
By Anthony Pond

Tarnished Dreams is an anthology of sixteen short and interconnected stories by Anthony Pond. In a French hospital, as he recovers from war wounds in 1945, David Jordan thinks about his dream boat that he hopes to build with his brother, Frank. Once David is...

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By Vera Mont

Immerse yourself in a fascinating collection of short stories with Vera Mont's Ramblings. Two warmongering nations cause ordinary citizens to lose the privileges of groceries and beer. A person learns the goldfish language to communicate with the residents of an aquarium. A cat owner underestimates...

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