Conquer Your Culture

CEOs’ Simple, Proven Guide to an Exceptional and Inspiring Company Environment

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
141 Pages
Reviewed on 06/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Randy B. Lichtman for Readers' Favorite

An excellent practical guide to developing a more effective corporate culture, Conquer Your Culture by David Komar provides a framework for evaluating and improving organizational effectiveness. Mr. Komar provides The Culture Guide Framework™, effectively setting out the organization of his book: Purpose; The Leader; People; Process; and Communication. In addition, there is a chapter about evaluating each area for success. Each chapter provides practical examples and anecdotes to illustrate the important aspects of each step of the process. At the end of each chapter, “Take Action!” includes questions to think about and actions to take in implementing the area discussed in a section. Many books discuss these subjects conceptually. However, in the final section of each chapter as well as throughout, the author provides important and practical action steps to bring about change in the organization.

Conquer Your Culture by David Komar provides a fresh perspective on change and organizational development due to its very practical approach. Questions for CEOs not only appear in the “Take Action!” section but throughout the book. It is wonderful to find a usable book, providing excellent guidelines, that any leader can utilize with the management team to diagnose, prescribe, and implement strategies to improve organizational climate and culture. There is also a link provided by the author to worksheets that serve as tools to implement the important principles discussed. This is a very practical and valuable book to help any organization better measure organizational effectiveness and develop an effective change plan. I enjoyed and benefited from reading this excellent organizational development book.