Duino Elegies/Rainer Maria Rilke

interpretive translation/Sheryl Massaro

Poetry - Inspirational
77 Pages
Reviewed on 08/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

On the 100th anniversary of Rainer Maria Rilke's Duino Elegies, Sheryl Massaro offers a fresh and accessible interpretation of the profound themes within the work, accompanied by evocative pieces of art. The book intricately weaves a tapestry of human experience, exploring profound themes such as existence, love, destiny, and the complexities of the human condition. It juxtaposes the vibrant realities of angels with the stark loneliness and depression many people face, illustrating the painful longing for unreciprocated love while underscoring the consistent beauty of nature that often goes unnoticed. From the mysteries of death to the nurturing essence of motherhood, the narrative explores how personal struggles and societal expectations shape our lives and dreams. It reflects on the emotional architecture within us, drawing connections between art and human experience, and highlights a yearning for connection, love, and the acceptance that binds our existence to nature and one another.

Duino Elegies/Rainer Maria Rilke is a thought-provoking collection of poems and art that delves into various topics related to being human. I loved that Sheryl Massaro explained her discovery of Rainer Maria Rilke’s work and how it inspired her love for art and words, giving readers an authentic glimpse into her life and creative process. This book celebrates and honors the original text's complexity and also invites a broader audience to engage with Rilke's timeless reflections on life and mortality, bridging literature and visual art in a meaningful dialogue. The art beautifully complements the poems and gives readers a visual experience that enhances their understanding and emotional connection to the text. The synergy between the artwork and poetry creates a richer narrative, inviting readers to delve deeper into the themes and emotions expressed. Each image not only reflects the essence of the poems but also sparks the imagination, making the literary journey more engaging and inspiring. Overall, this is a must-read for all lovers of enriching art and poetry, encouraging a deeper exploration of existential themes.