Friendship City

Hanging by a Thread

Fiction - Dystopia
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 09/09/2022
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alex Ndirangu for Readers' Favorite

Carl H. Mitchell's Friendship City: Hanging by a Thread is a well-written science fiction novel set 36 years into the future. There, we find a murderous World Council group reuniting, this time led by Ishmael. After unleashing a deadly plague that threatens half the world's population, the evil council's leader then demands that the justice forces relinquish their power. Lenora Allison, the president of the United States of America, recognizes that she cannot win this war alone. She summons Nicholas Garvey, a remarkable NYPD agent with a well-deserved reputation as a tough, resilient guy who consistently succeeds in neutralizing the bad guys. Will Nick and President Lenora be able to put an end to the evil that threatens to undermine democracy and world peace? How will Nick show he is the best hitman in the world?

I believe that the best stories always introduce the reader to a new setting and characters and leave them with the impression that they have known them their entire lives. Carl H. Mitchell exceeds this standard, ensuring that the reader comprehends the underlying conditions in this futuristic world, the characters, and their inner motivations. It was clear from the start that Nick and President Lenora were competent and confident characters who were not afraid to put themselves in danger to get the job done. I enjoyed following their thought processes as they deciphered the clues and worked to stop the vicious acts sponsored by organized hate and evil. I particularly enjoyed how Nick's resoluteness assured me he would find a solution to any problem that arose, although I never knew how he'd do it or how each mission or event would play out. Reading each section was exciting. Mitchell's approach to storytelling is another aspect that I believe is worth mentioning. He remained in command of the flow, unfolding events at precise times. It worked well to resolve one problem at a time. There is nothing about Friendship City that I did not like. Although it is the second book in a series, Mitchell did an excellent job of making it a stand-alone novel. His talent is admirable, and I eagerly await the next installment.