I Believe, and Jesus Knows!

Poetry - Inspirational
64 Pages
Reviewed on 10/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Rich Follett for Readers' Favorite

I Believe, and Jesus Knows! by P.S. Glyckherr is an ebullient, faith-centered, unashamed, and utterly wonderful collection of poems celebrating the love and teachings of Jesus and the remarkable power that His presence in our lives has to heal and uplift. Right from the start, Glyckherr proclaims the essence of her message in I Believe: “I believe in a Resurrected Savior/with Whom I’ll live one day!” The power is as potent as the sense of joy here in the simple but immutable declaration of faith. In addition to a delightfully unapologetic celebration of Jesus’ power and grace, Glyckherr celebrates the beauty and sanctity of life on earth, of human relationships, of multi-generational bonds, and at least a score of other inspiring and timely themes.

Do not be misled, though, readers: not all these verses are so sunlit. Darkly stirring offerings like Outside the Lines and Life After Jackson speak of profoundly painful episodes, devoid of any scintilla of the restorative hope that defines the bulk of this touching collection. These dark places through which the poetic narrative occasionally passes give the work an autobiographical and deeply personal feel that will make readers want to return for comfort and enlightenment again and again. It is immediately evident that Glyckherr has crafted these superlative poems purely for the love of family, friends, and fellow human beings, out of a sincere desire to share her joy and the struggles that brought her to it and to guide others to well-being and higher purpose. It is a prodigious gift for Glyckherr is truly heeding her own sage advice on every page. From Butterfly Song: “Why not just be kind?/Climb a little higher/than we did the day before?” Why not, indeed – every line of this exquisite collection begs the question and challenges us to live the vision. I Believe, and Jesus Knows! by P.S. Glyckherr is the ideal poetic balm for any world-weary soul.