I Would, But MY DAMN MIND Won't Let Me!

A Simple Guide to Help You Understand and Manage Your Complex Thoughts and Feelings (Words of Wisdom for Healing)

Non-Fiction - Self Help
168 Pages
Reviewed on 06/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

I Would, But MY DAMN MIND Won't Let Me! by Jacqui Letran is a self-help guide designed to assist readers in comprehending and managing their complex thoughts and emotions, particularly fear, anxiety, and insecurities. The book delves into understanding the mind, identifying and challenging outdated belief systems, eliminating unhealthy thoughts and feelings, and maintaining calm. Additionally, it explores the roles of the conscious and subconscious minds, the effective use of affirmations, and the creation of new beliefs and core values. The author shares stories about clients she has assisted in her private practice, using innovative techniques such as Emotional Freedom Technique, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Hypnosis, TimeLine Therapy, Life Coaching, and Spiritual Counseling. These methods have helped address various aspects of her clients' well-being, from emotional freedom to spiritual growth.

I Would, But MY DAMN MIND Won't Let Me! provides a wealth of wisdom on mental well-being, offering a comprehensive approach to understanding and managing the complexities of the mind. The book enables readers to break free from self-doubt and lead a more meaningful life by identifying and tackling the root causes of fears, worries, and limiting beliefs. Practical techniques and easy-to-follow exercises are included, enhancing the guidance and making it a valuable resource for those seeking to take control of their thoughts and emotions. The addition of notes and answer sections at the end of chapters fosters a sense of ownership and engagement in the reader. By reflecting on their progress, readers can internalize the material and make it more memorable. This interactive approach empowers readers to take control and apply the concepts to their own lives, resulting in a more meaningful and transformative experience.