My Super Duper Annoying Family

Children - Concept
25 Pages
Reviewed on 05/30/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Keith Mbuya for Readers' Favorite

Have you ever wondered why your family is so annoying? Your parents seem to be out to spoil all the fun you are having in your free time. If they are not asking you to make your bed or clean your room, they are asking you to fetch the laundry basket or pick up your clothes. Your siblings, on the other hand, don't seem to know that you are human and experience emotions, especially anger. It’s as if their main purpose in your life is to make you as angry as possible. They take your favorite things without asking and don’t mind creating a mess or destroying them. Get yourself Rebecca Helmer’s My Super Duper Annoying Family to learn why they are like this.

Helmer will have kids hooked to this story with the images and use of rhyme. The choice of words in the narrative will do a great job of expanding kids’ vocabulary and their grasp of the English language. The author ingeniously teaches kids an important lesson about living with family; that you can’t control what they do or how they behave. This is just how human beings are wired. Helmer advises kids to channel love into their interactions with family, because we are the same, with the same flaws. You could be livid about your younger sibling breaking your favorite toy, but then, you were once like them and did the same things they were doing. Rebecca Helmer’s My Super Duper Annoying Family is a must-read for children growing up with siblings or in a huge family.