Stone of Lust

Stones of Iona Book 3

Romance - Paranormal
276 Pages
Reviewed on 09/30/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Stone of Lust by Margaret Izard is a paranormal romance and the third book in the Stones of Iona series. The story follows Ainslie, a woman from the future who dreams of a Viking warrior, Rannick MacRaghnaill, with Fae-blue eyes. Her quest to save her kidnapped sister-in-law leads her back in time to medieval Scotland, where she confronts the very man who has haunted her dreams. As they grapple with mutual distrust and an undeniable attraction, Ainslie and Rannick must unite to face a sinister alliance between malevolent Fae and dangerous humans.

Author Margaret Izard never fails to excel at blending historical romance with paranormal elements, creating a captivating and immersive world where readers can feel fully at home. I loved the ethereal wonder of the mood in this gorgeous Scots-inspired fantasy, and that sense of excitement and exploration certainly feeds into the energy of the characters and their growing desire for one another. The chemistry between Ainslie and Rannick is electric and their dynamic relationship is filled with witty back-and-forth and clever romantic dialogue that constantly ups the stakes for them to get together. This realism in the dialogue is coupled with close emotional narration that lets us see every facet of their struggles and triumphs, making the fantastical elements feel grounded and believable when blended into an authentic romance tale. The novel’s exploration of love, honor, and bravery against the backdrop of time travel and mythical beings is both thrilling and emotionally resonant, with a great internal logic that makes sense in the plot as you reach its highly satisfying conclusion. Overall, Stone of Lust is an exciting and engaging read that romance and paranormal fantasy fans everywhere are sure to enjoy.

Michelle Stanley

“Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” Stone of Lust is Book 3 in the Stones of Iona paranormal romance series by Margaret Izard. Ainslee MacDougal and her sister-in-law Brielle are transported back to the 12th-century Viking reign after Balor, an evil fae, controlled Brielle’s sadistic ex-husband, Tony. Colin MacDougal wants to rescue his wife and sister from the monsters. As the hereditary guardian of the magic Iona stones, Colin knows the stones will predict their fate, but which stone? Unlike Colin, Ainsley read the Fae Fable Book which tells of a specific missing stone to search for. The colored stones are paired and each depicts one’s fate. Despite the circumstances, Ainsley can’t believe she got her wish to be among Vikings, especially Jarl, who finds this unconventional 'warrior woman' strangely captivating.

Stone of Lust is an amazing paranormal novel that is certainly not short on adventure, magic, action, romance, and characters that display how bad, admirable, brave, or simply wonderful they can be. Margaret Izard has masterfully written an enchanting, emotive story that will hold your attention while transporting you to the past to be among faes and Vikings in their beautiful homeland of Scotland. I’m sure you want to take this mystical adventure and learn why Ainsley is called the Warrior Woman. She is fearless and will not be manipulated. There are many touching scenes and I found the dialogue engaging and witty when necessary. I am keen to read Stone of Love and Stone of Fear because I am fond of a few leading characters and wonder where they will take me on their adventures.

Ronél Steyn

Margaret Izard brings us the third book in the Stones of Iona series, Stone of Lust. In this paranormal romance, Ainslie MacDougall has loved everything Viking from a young age. She is taking part in the Viking reenactment event at Dunstaffnage Castle this year. When her sister-in-law, Bree, is kidnapped and both are transported to the twelfth century, Ainslie finds herself face-to-face with the man from her dreams, a Viking warrior. Soon it is a race to save Bree from her evil Fae-possessed ex-boyfriend and return to their own time, but the Fae Fable Book predicts death. Can Ainslie save Bree from the evil Fae? And what about the beating of her heart when the dashing Viking is near her? Could he be her true love?

Again, author Margaret Izard has created a magical world where Fae and humans work together to save the world against evil. The fast pace will leave you breathless, and the sensory stimulation will leave you wanting more. The characters are described in detail which makes them likable and relatable. From start to finish, the author captures the essence of a love that knows no bounds. The plot is nail-bitingly intense and you will be unable to put this book down. Stone of Lust is not recommended for younger readers due to the intimate scenes. With a wonderful combination of Scottish heritage and Viking lore, this book can be read as a stand-alone. However, I strongly advise reading the first two installments in the series for a better understanding and appreciation.