Summer of Mud

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
304 Pages
Reviewed on 09/01/2024
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Author Biography

Rebecca Bischoff is the award-winning author of several novels, including a YA novel titled: The French Impressionist, The Grave Digger, a historical middle grade mystery, Hole in the Rock, a humorous middle grade novel, and Streets of Shadow, a young adult historical mystery. Rebecca loves to read everything from mysteries to paranormal to historical novels. She tends to research quirky and little-known facts from the past and loves anything that might make her laugh. A dedicated Anglophile, Rebecca loves watching BBC shows and reading mysteries that take place in the British Isles. Rebecca lives in Idaho with her family, where she enjoys not visiting the outdoors. She’d rather stay inside, eat chocolate and write. Visit her website at:

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Summer of Mud is a work of fiction in the coming of age, recent historical fiction, and slice-of-life subgenres. The work is best suited to mature teen and adult readers. Penned by author Rebecca Bischoff, the plot follows twelve-year-old Scoob, a musical prodigy dreaming of jazz stardom as she navigates the challenges of the summer of 1976. Landing a gig seems like her big break, but her plans are disrupted when her older brother RC takes her on an unexpected road trip. Stranded in Rexburg, Idaho, they become entangled in a community divided over a newly built dam. As Scoob struggles to return home for her audition, she discovers RC's hidden secrets. When disaster strikes with the dam's leak, Scoob faces a fight for survival and learns what truly matters in life.

Author Rebecca Bischoff puts heart and soul into this emotive coming-of-age tale to craft a captivating experience, immersing readers fully in Scoob's journey of self-discovery and resilience. The vivid depiction of 1976 leaps off the page at you right from the start, bringing the recent past back in full living color with immersive descriptive language and atmospheric, moody undertones. The intricacies of Scoob's relationships, particularly with her brother RC, are well-realized with realistic and amusing dialogue that sets up their complex relationship and lets a lot of the hidden details play out naturally between the lines. The tension builds steadily as the story unfolds, with plenty of heart-wrenching and surprising twists before it culminates in a gripping climax that kept me on the edge of my seat. Overall, readers seeking an emotive drama with masterful storytelling and compelling characters will certainly enjoy Summer of Mud.