The Forger

Fiction - Fantasy - General
284 Pages
Reviewed on 08/18/2012
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Author Biography

Shannon Neprily has been writing since she was 13 years old, and published her first book in 2007 called the Forger, which was followed up with Shades of gray in 2008, and Devi in 2009.A series that was meant to be a trilogy ended up with a fourth book titled Lock and Key in 2011, followed subsequently by Ragged Feathers in 2012. Currently she is working on the next two installments titled Viskardian Forest and a book that is tentatively titled Torian.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Stephanie Dagg for Readers' Favorite

"The Forger" by Shannon Neprily is set in a world where humans are at war with demons. This battle has been going on for a long time, in fact for thousands of years, and the angels were never meant to get involved. However, despite the threat of punishment, a few of them felt they had to intervene and created the Forger to try and bring the war to an end. In this gripping, original story, we meet the current reincarnation of the Forger, Adrian, who comes across initially as petulant, spoilt and childish. He doesn’t seem as if he could save a race. However, he rescues Juanita, another reincarnated being, and their destinies become tightly tied together. He also saves Rowan, who has had visions about him. Many lives intertwine in this fascinating story. As the action progresses, Adrian develops and shows his true strength and courage. Sevron is always there for him during his struggles although he is flawed by his impatience with his charge and his careless loss of the Forger’s crystal, crucial for Adrian’s powers.

A lot happens in this book, but the author keeps both herself and the reader on top of things with her very organized, readable writing style. She gives enough background to the characters and the action at the appropriate time without slowing the pace of the writing. We meet a lot of characters but each is well-defined and distinct and so you don’t lose track of who is good or bad. It is gritty, with violence and betrayal, but also loyalty, honesty and friendship. Neprily has created a unique universe which is the setting for a compelling, exciting and thoroughly enjoyable story.