The Smiling Buddha

Fiction - Intrigue
291 Pages
Reviewed on 09/19/2014
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Valerie Rouse for Readers' Favorite

The Smiling Buddha is a fast paced story based on acts of terrorism. It begins in the city of Kuala Lumpur where Rav, a cleaner who works the night shift at Likud Bank, is tempted by a display of large gold coins. He makes the fateful decision to steal them with the assistance of his brother Aziz. Their attempt was successful; however Aziz dropped his asthma inhaler while making his escape. Unknown to them both, the gold medallions were laced with explosives and triggered an explosion at the bank instantaneously. This explosion obviously set things in motion, especially an internal investigation into the bombing. Investigators had to determine whether the explosion was caused by a terrorist attack, thieves or an act of God. Terrorists who also utilized Likud Bank to carry out their corporate transactions obviously disliked the intrusion of investigators snooping around. Smugglers were not exempt from prying eyes either. The local police department also had their hands full trying to solve a murder that had links to the underground drug and smuggling world.

The Smiling Buddha is a book filled with intrigue from the get go. I loved the fact that author Alexander Heiser used each chapter to introduce a different facet of the plot. This tactic is a clever one. It reminds me of a jigsaw puzzle with the author slowly fitting all the interlocking pieces of the plot together. This move also allows the story to flow and intensifies the riveting suspense. The language is semi-formal and is basically easy to understand. I loved the detailed descriptions of the main characters. The characters are very well developed. I appreciated the interplay of the various scenes which contribute to the overall storyline. The average reader can easily get engrossed in the plot which is filled with exciting, action-packed scenarios. I also loved the fact that some of the naughty characters were female. This lends to the interesting and exhilarating plot that envelops its audience. The Smiling Buddha is a good book. I recommend it to all readers of suspense and detective novels.