Through The Mist

Fiction - Thriller - Conspiracy
281 Pages
Reviewed on 07/30/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Foram Vyas for Readers' Favorite

In Through The Mist by James Stilson, Samuel Nagy, a young man fascinated by the coastal waters of Maine, stumbles upon a criminal syndicate when he encounters the Irish mafia in his hometown of Portland. As he learns about their ruthless activities, including exporting stolen goods and terrorizing the local citizens, Samuel finds himself in the middle of a dangerous crime spree. With his family's lives at risk and government officials compromised, Samuel turns to his father and a homeless man for guidance. His journey leads him to uncover secrets about his father's potential involvement with the mafia, all while trying to expose their violent operations. This gripping narrative takes readers on a thrilling adventure filled with boat chases, underground investigations, and tense confrontations. The story builds to a climax as Samuel works to bring the mafia's enterprises to light, facing significant personal sacrifices along the way.

James Stilson delivers an extremely interesting and captivating story in Through The Mist, keeping readers on the edge of their seats. The plot is well-constructed and fast-paced. Stilson's skillful writing vividly brings the action to life, making the boat chases and standoffs feel intense and real. The characters are well-developed, with Samuel's determination and courage standing out as he navigates his perilous situation. Themes of loyalty, betrayal, and resilience are woven seamlessly into the narrative, adding depth to the story. The pace is relentless, maintaining a high level of suspense throughout. Overall, Stilson's ability to combine suspense with emotional complexity makes Through The Mist a compelling read that is hard to put down. The blend of action and introspection ensures that it resonates with readers, offering both thrilling scenes and moments of profound reflection.