1 2 3 Count with Me on Granddad's Farm

Children - Concept
32 Pages
Reviewed on 08/23/2022
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Michaela Gordoni for Readers' Favorite

Chores can be fun when you’re at the farm! Follow a little girl along to Granddad’s Farm and help her count all of the yummy farm produce, farm animals, and family members, too! Help Grandad haul wood and tools, feed and water the animals, and harvest vegetables and fresh chicken eggs. See how much fun it can be to learn to count and how enjoyable it iss to be part of a big, loving family too. Charming and educational, 1 2 3 Count with Me on Grandad’s Farm is written by mathematician and educator Valerie D. Johnson, the niece of Katherine Johnson, a famous American mathematician who was essential to the space race.

Based on Valerie D. Johnson’s real granddad’s farmstead, 1 2 3 Count with Me on Granddad’s Farm is a wonderful educational book for young children. It contains useful “Discussion Starters” that will help parents and educators teach young kids how to count. It also provides a little bit of agricultural education. It teaches kids things such as milk coming from cows and how it can be made into butter and cheese. It’s a great classroom book, but it is also perfect for any little one’s bookshelf. The images are delightful and targeted perfectly for young kids. The book is illustrated by Cee Biscoe, a talented artist who has worked on many children’s picture books. It is well written, superbly illustrated, and a well-put-together children’s book.