When British Rule in India was Threatened

Non-Fiction - Historical
170 Pages
Reviewed on 09/10/2024
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Author Biography

Krishna Kumar studies, evaluates, and analyzes historical events with particular emphasis on the British Period in India.

His passion for Indian history and analysis has been a driving force since his early years, a flame that continued to burn brightly even as he pursued a career in an unrelated field for most of his adult life.
His first book, the non-fiction ‘1942 When the British Rule In India Was Threatened', is a captivating narrative that delves into the events of this crucial year in Southeast Asia and their role in the end of colonial rule for India. Based on book reviews, Amazon's summary says that 'Customers find the narrative flow engaging and profound. They appreciate the insightful analysis and detailed rendering of each scene. Readers describe the writing style as comprehensive, elaborate, and well-penned. They also mention that the themes are educational and captivating, highlighting the courage and determination of those who fought against them.’

In fiction, he crafts stories inspired by historical events and their influences on the masses and reactions. His first fiction book'Lives and Emotions, ' seven stories from the Indian Subcontinent, is expected soon.

In non-fiction, he has been working on a series of six books covering the period the British were in India from 1608 to 1950, connecting multiple threads highlighting the intricacies of the period.
Krishna grew up in India and now lives in the United States with his family.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

Perspective changes one’s understanding of any situation. This is especially the case in history. Krishna Kumar presents the Indian perspective of bringing down the dominion of British rule over India in his wonderful book, 1942. This book looks at the steps that dismantled British rule over the sub-continent of India from the view of the indigenous people. During World War II, the British faced defeats and retreats at the hands of the Japanese. This and the political atmosphere eventually led to freedom for India. The British Empire was unprepared for a military attack from the East. When it came, it showed that even the giant had vulnerabilities, and the Indian people realized they could become masters of their own country. This book does a great job of mixing military with political history. Even with a master’s degree in history, I learned information I had never seen before.

Krishna Kumar’s father was part of the Independence movement, so his perspective includes the influence of his father and his father’s friends, which is different from that portrayed in the traditional history of the region. In his book 1942, he explains the steps that led the British Empire from invincible to vulnerable in the eyes of Indians. He speaks of Bose, Gandhi, and Nehru as those he had inside information about. He explains the development of the Indian National Army and its connection with Nazi Germany. Krishna’s viewpoint presents a side of history that most never see. I highly recommend this book to broaden your understanding of why the British Empire crumbled in the twentieth century. Krishna does a wonderful job of explaining how the rule of the British affected the indigenous people of the Indian region. While this book could be very academic, Krishna makes sure that the history is easy to understand, and historians will completely understand his viewpoint.