A Living Nightmare

From the memoirs and stories told by Anneliese Pitt

Non-Fiction - Memoir
160 Pages
Reviewed on 07/06/2021
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Author Biography

Anneliese was born in pre-World War 2 Germany, which is now modern day Poland. She struggled through her early life before escaping East Germany and finding her way to Canada. In her later years, Anne spent much of her time hand making dolls and sewing quilts before working on her autobiography.

After Anneliese shared her desire to publish her story, Ghislaine, a close friend, decided to help in her quest to write it. Laurette, Ghislaine’s sister, signed on to write the book with them as she felt the story was worth telling. Together the three organized Anneliese’s notes and memories to weave her tale of survival.

When Ghislaine is not writing or promoting her book, she spends her free time with her three children and 11 grandchildren on her peaceful retreat amongst the trees. Laurette recently moved to British Columbia so she can be near her son, daughter and grandchildren. In her free time, she continues to work on various projects. Sadly, Anneliese succumbed to Covid shortly after her book was printed.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Anneliese Möwis’s story, captured in A Living Nightmare, is both haunting and profoundly moving. This memoir chronicles her harrowing experiences as a child displaced by the chaos and devastation of World War II. Ghislaine Raymond, Laurette Leblond, and Anneliese Pitt have woven a powerful narrative that takes readers into the grim reality of the war’s youngest victims. The title of this book perfectly captures the theme of Anneliese Möwis’s story. A Living Nightmare paints a stark picture of the survival of children abandoned among the rubble of war-torn Europe. Like millions of other children, Anneliese's story is one of unimaginable hardship—no home, no family, and so much uncertainty.

Ghislaine Raymond, Laurette Leblond, and Anneliese Pitt bring these experiences to life with vivid descriptions, transporting readers to the cold streets where hungry children huddled together in makeshift shelters just to survive. Despite the darkness of the subject matter, the memoir carries a thread of hope. Anneliese’s ability to endure such a traumatic upbringing and live to share her story is awe-inspiring. It reflects the strength it takes to keep going despite overwhelming odds. I have long studied the world wars and read many memoirs; this is the most emotional and moving I’ve read. It is a compelling book for anyone drawn to human stories of resilience and survival. Anneliese Pitt’s story is one I will never forget. It’s a solemn reminder of the human toll of war and a powerful celebration of the indomitable human spirit.