A Splash of Short Stories

100 tiny tales, random ramblings and odd observations. All told in 100 words.

Fiction - Anthology
122 Pages
Reviewed on 08/30/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

A Splash of Short Stories is a collection of 100 flash fiction and other writing pieces by Dawn Knox. Encouraged to kiss a sleeping princess, a young prince hesitates, recalling his last disastrous attempt. A young woman is ready to teach an obnoxious ladies' man a lesson with some help from her fairy godmother. Much to the chagrin of his siblings, a young sardine is determined to learn what lies above the surface, at his peril. A king tries to spare his kingdom from a vengeful dragon's wrath by sacrificing his virgin daughter. A German soldier asks an English soldier a favor in No Man's Land during the Christmas Day truce. An elf appears on a reality TV dancing show after tricking a wizard, only for events to unravel unexpectedly. Aladdin's mom disapproves of his imaginary friend.

A Splash of Short Stories is a diverse collection of drabbles and observational narratives covering different genres and themes related to the human condition. The short stories in this anthology evoke emotions and feelings in a broad range -- from humor to heartbreak to sometimes straight-up absurd. Written in exactly 100 words, Dawn Knox ensures these narratives are a breezy read. You can turn to any of the pages and start a fresh story or a poignant writing piece. The author draws inspiration from popular fairy tales and changes them by adding a few absurd twists, which leads to some entertaining short stories. Knox's dry sense of humor hit all the right notes as I was chuckling through half of these drabbles. At its core, this is an anthology any short story reader would love. I certainly did, and I can't recommend it highly enough!