Alchemy of the Heart

Shavon Sun Cloud

Fiction - Inspirational
282 Pages
Reviewed on 08/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

No wonder Devin feels like a loser in Alchemy of the Heart by L. Neil Thrussell; 5999 other people had done the same firewalk, but he was the only one who failed. At the hospital where he is receiving treatment for his burns, he meets Shavon. The kindness and warmth surrounding Shavon cause Devin to open up about how hard his life has been. Out of nowhere, Shavon invites Devin to go with her to Ireland, and surprisingly, he accepts. Was it by divine providence that she was in the same hospital at that moment so that she could meet Devin? Shavon teaches in allegories, and it's up to the student to figure out the lessons. What will Devin learn from Shavon’s workshops?

Connection to Earth and the importance of traveling as an educational tool are some of the things that stand out in Alchemy of the Heart by L. Neil Thrussell. This thought-provoking work also captures the importance of ritual and ceremony, which are essential in spirituality. They also provide comfort and familiarity. I loved the diversity and the emphasis on the tolerance of other people’s cultures. The narration was excellent, and Neil ensured that the plotline flowed seamlessly, which left no room for confusion for the reader. The reader will also appreciate the highly engaging dialogues that got me hooked on the story from the first chapter to the last. This was a wonderful read that had me thinking of connections I didn't think existed. I look forward to reading something else by this author.