
Fiction - Science Fiction
374 Pages
Reviewed on 07/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Eric Ferrar for Readers' Favorite

Commander Kate Holman is assigned to lead the first mission to Mars. She's honored to fulfill this duty. Unfortunately, Kate is relieved of her command and replaced by the mission's security officer at the last minute. The order came from NASA's assistant director himself. In the blink of an eye, their entire mission went from being an exploration mission to a military assignment. The security officer retrieves a foreign object from the face on Mars (an alien site), leaving Kate and her crew shocked. They don't know what he removed from the site, but it leads to dire consequences. Astronauts suddenly begin to die under mysterious circumstances. There's talk about a curse affecting the entire crew. The only thing that can save them now is if they put the stolen item back in its rightful place on Mars. Kate does some digging around of her own and finally discovers the truth. She understands why some people would kill to keep the truth hidden, but exposing it isn't simple. People with powerful political influences are involved. Do you want to learn the truth too? Then grab a copy of Jayson Adams' riveting tale, Ares, to find out.

Ares is an exuberant tale with a compelling storyline and well-developed characters. Kate's character is down-to-earth and identifiable. She is a strong main character with intelligence and wit. I got a great sense of the story's setting and atmosphere through her point of view. I like that she doesn't succumb in the face of adversity. When she was relieved of mission command, she immediately sensed that their protocol was jeopardized and didn't yield until she got to the bottom of the issue. Her performance is believable and kept me submerged in the overall story. Her only Achilles heel is her past and I love how Jayson Adams ties in her past issues with her present dilemma and inner conflict. There are a few tension-ridden and fear-inducing plot twists nicely packed into the storyline that will entice horror and murder mystery fans. The plot is also full of political intrigue and shocking reveals that will impress fans of conspiracy theory novels. Without reservation, I recommend Ares to sci-fi fans worldwide.