As You See The Day Approaching

Preparing for Earth's Final Hour

Christian - Living
156 Pages
Reviewed on 08/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

John Lowe Owens was compelled to write As You See the Day Approaching when he woke with the words from the title's scriptural origin heavy on his mind. He outlines that believers will notice the changes and understand them, tells how you can see the changes, reveals what you can do to ensure you go to heaven before the time comes, and how to recognize a child of darkness. Owens touches on serious topics about society and our reaction to the world and focuses on the Bible as God's word and the truth we must live by. The author describes physical and spiritual darkness and explains how to remain in God's light with the sincere hope he will motivate and inspire people with God's authentic scripture.

John Lowe Owens hasn't just researched the material he presents in his book; he has lived and breathed it. He has seen and understood the signs God provided for believers in the scripture and heeds their message. But the author doesn't wish to be the only one. He wants you to understand the changes you witness and truly follow God's word. Owens delivers powerful scriptures and true stories that back up his assertions, making his book a must-read for anyone who is struggling to accept Jesus into their hearts. Readers who are ready to have the knowledge they need to live their lives for the Lord and not be surprised by His second coming will benefit from reading As You See the Day Approaching.