Avarom and the Black Riders

Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
574 Pages
Reviewed on 08/29/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Avarom and the Black Riders is an epic fantasy novel by J.L. Stewart and the third book in the Avarom Saga. The Red Queen’s elite bodyguard, Avarom, faces an onslaught of formidable enemies. Following the capture of a pirate who reveals a dire threat, Avarom must confront mystical soldiers of unparalleled strength intent on his destruction. Adding to the peril, Gilan from the ravaged Kingdom of Trinia seeks revenge against him, while Nera, the Goddess of the Northwest Woods, aims to restore balance by eliminating Avarom. As he battles assassins, powerful warriors, and an ancient deity, Avarom’s survival hinges on his relentless fight against these sinister forces.

Author J.L. Stewart’s ability to construct a richly detailed fantasy world creates an immersive read from the very first page, drawing us deeply into the epic narrative and making it so you never want to leave again. I was impressed with the level of detail and credibility in the emotions and attitudes of the characters, and their complex interplay with so many diverse motivations shows Stewart's skill in creating multifaceted, engaging adversaries and allies for our heroic Avarom to encounter. The intense action sequences and high stakes are masterfully crafted with hugely vivid and visceral scenes of struggle, triumph, battle, and toil, maintaining a gripping pace throughout the sprawling saga where the scene is always changing and new dangers lurk at every turn. Stewart’s innovative use of mythical elements also offers some really surprising and intricate plot twists, but everything stays on track with the logic of the worldbuilding and feels satisfyingly crafted. Overall, Avarom and the Black Riders is sure to impress fans of the series so far, and I’d highly recommend it and the series for fantasy fans everywhere seeking a new and accomplished writer to follow.