Baby Dragon Finds His Family

A Picture Book About Belonging for Children Age 3-7

Children - Picture Book
36 Pages
Reviewed on 07/30/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Demetria Head for Readers' Favorite

Baby Dragon Finds His Family by Sheryl Bass, with enchanting illustrations by Ramesh Ram, is a heartwarming follow-up to Baby Dragon’s Big Sneeze. This delightful story picks up with Baby Dragon helping a group of villagers build a new shack, showing his incredible strength as he lifts and carries materials with ease. After the construction is complete, the villagers celebrate with a feast, but Baby Dragon feels a pang of sadness when he realizes he has never been given a name. With his parents long gone and no family to call his own, Baby Dragon sets off on a quest to find his place in the world. Along the way, he encounters magical beings like an elf, a unicorn, and a fairy, each of whom he helps in exchange for magical gifts. Despite these wondrous encounters and gifts, Baby Dragon's journey is driven by his longing to find a family of his own. Will his quest lead him to the family he yearns for?

Fans of children’s fantasy books will be enchanted by the whimsical and colorful world of Baby Dragon Finds His Family. Sheryl Bass weaves a touching narrative that combines magical elements with a poignant quest for belonging, appealing to young readers’ imaginations and hearts. The beautifully illustrated pages by Ramesh Ram add a vibrant layer to the story, bringing the magical characters and Baby Dragon's adventures to life. The story’s gentle exploration of themes such as identity, family, and the value of helping others, wrapped in a fantasy setting, makes it a perfect read for children who love magical tales and stories with heartfelt messages.