Black Yéʼii

The Evil One

Fiction - Thriller - General
392 Pages
Reviewed on 09/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Black Yéʼii: The Evil One by Joseph Lewis is a gripping thriller that follows the deadly consequences of a secret that was never meant to be revealed. When four members of the MS-13 gang died under mysterious circumstances, the truth was buried to protect those involved. But when someone breaks their silence, the gang returns, leaving a trail of death in their wake. Detectives Graff, O’Connor, and Eiselmann must race against time to uncover the killers and prevent further bloodshed. Lewis does a fantastic job of building tension throughout this masterpiece of thriller writing, creating a relentless sense of danger that keeps readers on the edge of their seats from cover to cover.

I was immediately gripped by the complex and unpredictable plot, which was well-crafted to shift into a new atmosphere or twist at just the right moment so that the action never felt stilted. The conspiracy is well-crafted with many different threads to unravel, each related to different characters both inside and outside the secret. Joseph Lewis’s portrayal of the characters, especially the central detectives, is packed with detailed narration and emotional realism, making their struggles and triumphs resonate with readers the more we get to know them and see them put to the test. The novel’s exploration of secrecy, revenge, and justice offers brilliant psychological intrigue that elevates the story beyond a typical thriller, delving deep into the personal drama and interplay of the secret itself. Overall, all this makes Black Yéʼii an unmissable read for fans of accomplished thriller writing everywhere.

Alma Boucher

In Joseph Lewis's thriller Black Yéii (The Evil One), Jeff Limbach was well-known worldwide as a best-selling horror and thriller novelist. Limbach's SUV was among three cars that were destroyed by a car bomb the previous autumn. Lisa Vickers was on Limbach’s protection detail and had to keep an eye out for anyone who would try to hurt him again. Ricardo Fuentes and other M-13 gang members had been killed almost a year ago. People were saved that night, and a promise was made to them that they would be safe if no one spoke about what had happened. Someone was now looking for the truth about that night, and no one was safe anymore. It is up to Detectives Graff, O’Connor, and Eiselmann to find any links between the two crimes and find the killer.

Black Yéʼii (The Evil One) by Joseph Lewis had me hooked from the start until the end. The story was jam-packed with action, and there was never a dull moment. There were several subplots but one did not undermine the other. With all the twists and turns, I never knew what would happen next and was guessing until the end. The suspense kept me on the edge of my seat, turning the pages as fast as I could. The characters were well-developed and strong. The detectives genuinely cared about the people they had saved and tried to honor their promise to keep them safe. This story had every element necessary to be a superb thriller. It was enjoyable to read and well beyond my expectations.

Olga Markova

Black Yé’ii (The Evil One) by Joseph Lewis blends hard-boiled murder mystery, action thriller, and drama. The story unfolds in Waukesha, a small town in Wisconsin, USA. We witness the gruesome murder of Carmen Benevides and her son, Angel. Minutes before he is murdered, Angel alerts his former schoolmate George Tokay and detective Pat O’Connor with a cryptic text message. The next scene occurs at a local bookstore. We attend a book launch hosted by Jeff Limbach, a best-selling horror and thriller author. Following an unsolved car bomb attempt on Limbach’s life the previous year, the police protection detail chaperones the book launch. Later that night, Pat O’Connor is brutally attacked as he passes by Limbach's house after attending the Benevides' murder scene. Who are the evildoers terrorizing the residents of Waukesha?

Reading Joseph Lewis’ Black Yé’ii (The Evil One), I initially felt overwhelmed by the gruesome murders. But, as I read on, the novel had many pluses that made me appreciate it. The plot was fast-moving and suspenseful. I liked the thought-provoking aspects, particularly the parental response to same-sex teenage love and the dilemma involving public duty and familial ties. Pat O’Connor earned his place among my favorite detectives. And I felt grateful and relieved that the author kept all the dogs featured in this novel safe and alive. On balance, it is a worthwhile, rewarding, and memorable read. This novel will appeal to thriller, murder mystery, and drama fans. But graphic torture, violence, gore, and deaths make it unsuitable for sensitive and young readers.