Bones of Dead Man's Bluff

Fiction - Suspense
260 Pages
Reviewed on 09/12/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Maalin Ogaja for Readers' Favorite

Bones of Dead Man’s Bluff by Robb Grindstaff is a gripping suspense novel featuring an interwoven timeline. Reverend Worth Sullivan and Senator Kirk Madison share a dark secret from a tragic camping trip in their youth. Now, Kirk seeks higher office, a decision that Worth strongly opposes. Worth fears the intense scrutiny will unravel the lives of those they love, especially his wife Gentry. Hanging over Kirk and Worth are a series of strange dreams, eerie occurrences, and a mysterious presence demanding attention. Can Worth convince Kirk to abandon his ambitions before the looming danger threatens their lives or is a more dangerous force already in motion, beyond their control?

Bones of Dead Man’s Bluff has all the hallmarks of a fast-paced thriller, with a compelling cast of well-drawn characters that elevate the tension and intrigue. Worth and Kirk, despite being complete opposites, are both characters I could not help but root for as they struggled with their past impacting their present. I loved the dual timeline that added depth to the narrative and provided context and background, while also allowing the reader to understand the motivations of the main characters and their secrets. Robb Grindstaff explores various themes such as power, ambition, and moral obligations. However, the main theme is the power of forgiveness, and how it can heal old wounds and lift burdens of guilt. This book was captivating from beginning to end. I highly recommend it to readers who enjoy a suspenseful storyline with a blend of politics, religion, and an ethereal presence.