Boost Your Bullsh*t Resilience At Work

Escape the Cesspool with 13 Transformative Approaches

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
325 Pages
Reviewed on 05/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Foluso Falaye for Readers' Favorite

Chris Reavis' Boost Your Bullsh*t Resilience At Work offers tools for reducing work stress and dealing with difficult situations at work. With stories and common experiences, Chris shares proven strategies that are useful for various situations. In six sections, the book covers various topics that are designed to explain why you should care about work stressors, show you the factors to determine when to leave, explore side hustles, help you align with your guiding principles and what matters to you, reveal proven skills for understanding stressful patterns and overpowering stressors, and help you find ways to implement the book's lessons to achieve healthy goals. You will find a suggestion that addresses your work stressors in this comprehensive book, whether you have an annoying boss, a colleague who praises another colleague inappropriately, or long, boring meetings at work.

The author's messages are backed by research results and quotes from other sources, which engender deep engagement and confidence in the validity of his words. I enjoyed Chris Reavis' use of humor and the stories from his rich work experiences. The tales expose readers to various work conditions and the different types of characters you may meet at work. I especially loved the story that reveals the time Chris used the "shiny object syndrome" to gain a promotion and a great recommendation from a condescending leader at work. Boost Your Bullsh*t Resilience At Work is filled with profound messages, exercises, and anecdotes that will benefit everyone who works with others, from the employer to the employee and even the contract worker or freelancer. It's worth returning to it over and over again to revisit its valuable, evidence-backed insights.

Pikasho Deka

In this modern world, many people find their work unfulfilling and feel stuck in their jobs. This may be due to an accumulation of various factors, including hostile work environments that stop people from flourishing. So, how do you endure all the workplace 'BS'? With a dynamic career background in many jobs in different fields, Chris Reavis pours all his experience and knowledge acquired over the years into this illuminating workplace guide for professionals. Boost Your Bullsh*t Resilience At Work delves into the reasons for workplace-related stress and anxiety and offers tools to develop skills to help professionals navigate dysfunctional work environments. Adopt a no-tolerance approach to BS. In this book, you will learn to keep a healthy work-life balance, ways to quit a job, work on side hustles, pursue your goals, avoid groupthink and herd mentality, etc.

Develop the necessary skills to find fulfillment and excel in your work with Boost Your Bullsh*t Resilience At Work. This is a comprehensive guide for any professional who wants to thrive in a modern-day workplace. Develop the necessary skills to land your dream job, learn risk management, negate toxicity and negativity with tolerance and positivity, play a proactive part in problem-solving, network to forge connections, and confront BS head-on. According to Chris Reavis, practicing BS-reduction routines helps increase your BS resilience. The author has a keen eye for detail and explains every topic in depth, using humor, real-world stories, personal anecdotes, and examples to ensure readers understand everything discussed in the book. Overall, I found this to be a very well-researched and practical guide for contemporary professionals. It makes you introspect and encourages you to change how you see workplaces. Highly recommended.

K.C. Finn

Boost Your Bullsh*t Resilience At Work is a work of non-fiction in the self-help, inspirational writing, and business genres. Penned by author Chris Reavis, this insightful and confident work offers 13 practical, evidence-based strategies to help professionals navigate and thrive in challenging work environments. Through a blend of humorous anecdotes and science-backed advice, Reavis addresses common workplace issues like difficult coworkers and corporate politics, providing actionable tips to build resilience, reduce stress, and find fulfillment. This guide aims to transform readers' approaches to their jobs, enhancing their ability to handle daily challenges with ease and enjoyment.

Author Chris Reavis utilizes a natural talent for motivational writing to craft an enlightening and entertaining approach to addressing workplace challenges. The tone is clear, confident, refreshingly candid, and diligently practical, and will certainly appeal to those who want a well-penned, no-nonsense approach to coping with challenges and stress. The 13 strategies, rooted in solid research and presented with wit and humor, made complex concepts accessible and relatable, using straightforward but vivid language that any reader will be able to understand right from the start. Reavis’ anecdotes were a nice additional touch to lighten the mood and hammer some key points home, offering laugh-out-loud funny moments and effective illustrations of the principles he advocates. The chapters on handling difficult coworkers and navigating office politics were particularly insightful, offering concrete steps to improve interactions and outcomes. This book is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to enhance their work experience, build resilience, and achieve greater professional satisfaction. Overall, Boost Your Bullsh*t Resilience At Work is a must-read for those tired of the daily grind and eager to transform their approach to work, and I would certainly recommend it.