By Way of Conshohocken

A Fictionalized Family Memoir

Non-Fiction - Memoir
586 Pages
Reviewed on 06/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Amy Raines for Readers' Favorite

In By Way of Conshohocken: A Fictionalized Family Memoir by Cydney Iris Afriat Menihan, the author includes some interesting facts that are key factors in the fictional history of her family. She goes with her family to a musical that moves her grandfather, Bob, to tears, and she wonders what memories he must have of the city he lived in that brought on such strong emotions. A patchwork quilt brings to light some interesting background about Bob and the time he served in the Russian Army. Later, Don, Cydney’s father, struggles with figuring out what to do with his life and has difficulty holding down a job even though he has plenty of ambition. Just like her father, Cydney also struggles to decide on what career she wants to pursue. Aside from personal experience, what truths will Cydney discover by questioning everything and fact-checking family history?

I thoroughly enjoyed the way Cydney Iris Afriat Menihan dove into fact-checking and changed historical fiction to fictional history as she unraveled the truths about her family’s life before and after moving to America. I find it inspiring that the author wanted to know more than what might have been true and the way she used references for important facts about some of the people, places, and events in a way that adds meaning without taking away from the story. It was a lot of fun to learn about officers during WWII as well as Russian conscription and drafting. I recommend By Way of Conshohocken to anyone who enjoys a story that is both fiction and fact and teaches something new by way of research along the way.