Can We Get a Rhinoceros?

Children - Animals
40 Pages
Reviewed on 06/23/2024
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Author Biography

Christian Kueng, a graduate of the Institute of Children's Literature, is an award winning author of Caleb’s Adventures with Granddad, Digger the Colony Worker Ant, and Can We Get a Rhinoceros? A retired educator, he now writes stories with appealing characters and engaging plots that children will want to read again and again. Christian lives in California where he treasures time with his family and his dog Cooper.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Emma Megan for Readers' Favorite

Can We Get a Rhinoceros? by Christian Kueng is an entertaining and adorable children's picture book about a little boy who wants to have an unusual pet—a rhinoceros. When he asks his mother for permission to get one, she doesn't like the idea. She tells him they don't have the space to keep such a large animal. Yet, the boy doesn't give up. He then makes other suggestions, hoping to convince his mother to get him a pet soon. But his mother keeps asking him questions to show the little boy that he needs to think about his choice of pet a little more. However, the boy still feels that a rhinoceros is what he wants the most. Will his mother agree to get him a rhinoceros, or will she make a more suitable suggestion for a pet?

Can We Get a Rhinoceros? by Christian Kueng is a great way to help children understand that not any animal can become their pet. It makes them think about the responsibility of having a pet and their role in taking care of one. But it also shows them a clever way to negotiate their way into getting one. The gorgeous illustrations by Nana Melkadze show a wide range of emotions, adding to the story's depth. I can't wait to show this book to my little niece and read it to her. It contains interesting facts about rhinoceroses, whales, tigers, blue-footed boobies, pigs, and snakes. Children everywhere will relate to the young boy's longing for an unusual pet. This lovely book is perfect for reading aloud and for animal lovers.