
Confessions from One Intern's Rise to CEO

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
174 Pages
Reviewed on 09/27/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

In her book Delusional, Samantha Zink chronicles her journey from aspiring retail manager to CEO of Zink Talent, an influencer talent agency. Following her parents' divorce and a college internship, she shifted to public relations, building confidence and a network through roles at Michael Kors and New York Fashion Week. After being fired for job hunting, Zink realized the importance of self-respect. While developing her agency alongside her PR job, she kept pushing forward even through trauma, including her father's death, and found success during the COVID-19 pandemic. Zink discusses the evolving influencer marketing landscape, leaning into the power of authenticity and the rise of platforms like TikTok. Zink's agency manages influencer-brand collaborations, focusing on contracts and negotiations, while also advising against impulsively quitting jobs for social media pursuits, giving insight on purpose and fostering positive online communities.

Delusional: Confessions from One Intern's Rise to CEO by Samantha Zink offers an insider's look at her dynamic climb. The most fun I had was reading about her time in the chaotic world of New York City’s PR industry. I don't want to name-drop, but one of the people's initials is that of Naomi Campbell. Zink keeps it real by showing us the pitfalls of erratic work environments and what a not-so-awesome mentor is like, but also digs into her unwavering passion for social media and influencer marketing. Zink’s determination to forge her own path serves as a powerful reminder of resilience and self-belief and is relatable and applicable to the world we live in right this second. With sharp writing and relatable anecdotes, Zink is sure to appeal to a wide audience, from aspiring entrepreneurs to marketing professionals and influencers. Zink’s story is a testament to the importance of intuition, perseverance, and building a supportive network, making it a must-read for anyone looking to move onwards and upwards. Very highly recommended.