Dexter and the Bat

Inspired by True Events

Children - Animals
36 Pages
Reviewed on 10/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

Bonnie Chadwick’s Dexter and the Bat is a sweet children’s book based on a true story about the interaction and relationship between a dog and a bat. Dexter was rescued and became part of the family. One night, he kept looking at the door and indicating that he wanted to go outside. Once outdoors, Dexter watched the swishing and swooshing of a group of bats. Can a dog become friends with the little mammal known as a bat? Is it possible for creatures so different to accept each other for who they are? This story will help your child learn that if we spend time focusing on what we have in common instead of our differences, we can become friends with almost anyone. Dexter left this life too soon, but Bonnie ensures his legacy will live on through this book.

What are the chances that a four-legged, land-bound dog can become friends with a high-flying, two-legged bat? Very low! However, Bonnie Chadwick shows that if two individuals spend time together and realize how alike they are, they can become friends. While reading Dexter and the Bat, your child will learn that making friends is based on what we have in common, no matter how different we are in other areas. Society often focuses on how groups differ and sets up barriers. However, when we spend time finding how alike we are to others, we can become the best of friends. Corianna Doucette does a masterful job of illustrating the friendship between Dexter and his bat friend, Skyler. While discussing this book with your child, don’t forget to help them understand that we fear what we don’t understand. Discuss the importance of bats in our environment and the safety around them and that the scary myths are just that.