Dowsing Through the Dark

Sometimes, the More Answers Sought, the More Questions Raised

Non-Fiction - Memoir
198 Pages
Reviewed on 08/09/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ananya Hazarika for Readers' Favorite

As Vicky begins to write, her hand is mysteriously guided by an external force, delivering messages from spirit guides about a mission to save Earth. These interactions lead her to uncover hidden truths about herself and the world around her. Is this the work of God, aliens, or the devil? Dowsing Through the Dark by Lisa Perry explores the author's struggles with mental health, chronic illness, and supernatural experiences. Vicky's life takes a drastic turn when she connects with spirit guides Molhellor and Hector Foyley, leading her to a devastating state as she battles Chronic Fatigue and Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome. Isolated and vulnerable, she endures various treatments and alternative healing therapies like 'dowsing'—will they bring relief, or will her suffering continue? Discover her journey in this compelling memoir by Lisa Perry.

Dowsing Through the Dark is an emotional memoir that deals with various genres and themes. Lisa Perry's transformative journey is beautifully portrayed through the character of Vicky. The impressive use of metaphors, like the word 'dowsing' itself, used to represent Vicky's quest for answers, represents Lisa's talented writing style. She also explores themes like mental and physical health, spirituality, faith, resilience, alien abductions, friendship, love, LGBTQ, and self-acceptance. Lisa's writing is honest, and her use of self-reflective letters as a storytelling technique effectively shows the depth of her struggle. This allows the reader to connect with the character's struggles and triumphs. It is impressive how she offers hope and understanding to those facing similar challenges by sharing her notes and healing journey.