Dumb Martians

Young Adult - Sci-Fi
399 Pages
Reviewed on 07/29/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Dumb Martians is a work of fiction in the science fiction, adventure, and interpersonal drama genres. It is intended for young adult readers. Penned by author Scott Beynon, in this immersive and inventive adventure, Mars is a wild frontier, once home to an advanced civilization and now a haven for Earth's misfits seeking new lives or ancient treasures. The greatest treasure is the City of the Dead, the tomb of ancient Martian royalty. When archaeologist Holly’s father is kidnapped by pirates seeking the City, she sets out to rescue him. Holly joins forces with a group of lost children, and together they follow clues leading to the City of the Dead, and the not-so-dead Martians.

Author Scott Beynon's witty, suspenseful writing results in an exciting and adventurous read, full of mystery and the allure of treasure hunting on the desolate frontier of Mars. The setting's contrast between the lawless, gritty present and the remnants of a once-glorious Martian civilization creates a captivating backdrop that readers are gently and naturally introduced to through our protagonist’s keen young eyes. Holly's determination to rescue her father is an inspiring element of the tale, and the author digs deep into the emotional presentation of the characters with confident, up-close narrative techniques. The quest for the City of the Dead was a thrilling segment that stuck in my mind, with each clue they uncovered intensifying the suspense with some brilliant discoveries and twists. Beynon's storytelling kept me hooked, eager to see how Holly and her companions would navigate the dangers and secrets of Mars. Overall, Dumb Martians was an enjoyable and thought-provoking adventure that I would highly recommend.