Effective Martial Arts Training with No Equipment or Partner

The Master Collection

Non-Fiction - Education
210 Pages
Reviewed on 08/01/2013
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Mamta Madhavan for Readers' Favorite

Effective Martial Arts Training with No Equipment or Partner: The Master Collection by Michael Matthews is, as the title suggests, a very effective manual on martial arts training. The author has taken a lot of trouble to research all the details pertaining to the study of martial arts. The book is of great help even to an amateur or a beginner who is going to get into martial arts. The author effectively shares his extensive knowledge with the reader.

The instructions on each exercise are very clearly outlined and they are very detailed, leaving the reader with no doubt whatsoever on the exercise. The pictures also show the postures, which is helpful to the novice. The exercises are also divided into body weight exercises, isometric exercises, the alternation superman exercises; and the other exercises can also be tried by a beginner, thanks to the author's explanatory notes.

This is a book that teaches you how to be strong mentally as well as physically. I particularly like the chapter on meditation and how to ease away your negative thoughts. The importance of the quantity and quality of sleep is discussed and also the diet that is required to be agile and fit. Overall, I found the book very positive and mentally invigorating.