End of The Line

The Realm of Gothika

Fiction - Fantasy - General
324 Pages
Reviewed on 10/10/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Nino Lobiladze for Readers' Favorite

End of the Line by Tony Fuentes and C. S. Kading, the third book in the Realm of Gothika series, will appeal to fans of dark fantasy, adventure, and horror. Doctor Emilio Kane is a necromist "touched" by the dark goddess Styx. The Inquisition of the rival goddess, Hil, detains him to bring him to the Fugue Academy. While Emilio fights monsters, heals the living, and helps the departed to cross the threshold between life and death, many take him for a dangerous warlock. Inquisitor Jalin Cortez doesn't trust Emilio but must adjust to the horrifying circumstances. Are there undead on the Mechanist Guild train they took? Along with Escritora Lyric Wax and Voca Esperanza Boyorquez, Jalin and Emilio must figure out how to stop the train that rushes past stations and protect the passengers from the hungry ghouls and the assassins mingling with the crowd on the train.

End of the Line depicts a train traveling at breakneck speed, and the narrative keeps up with it. The book has many intense scenes, and we hear the clattering sound of the train's wheels as we read. Steampunk lovers will appreciate the captivating world-building with a fascinating touch of Mexican lore. Tony Fuentes and C. S. Kading base Gothika's mythology on the clash of darkness and light, death and life. The authors add fresh hues to this well-known rivalry. Emilio, who seemingly sides with the dark forces, is compassionate and understanding, while Jalin, who should fight evil, is intolerant and bigoted. Fuentes and Kading also examine the themes of fanaticism, temptation, and self-sacrifice. The characters are very well-developed and complex. Unexpectedly, the Voice of the goddess of light, Esperanza, sees a kindred spirit in Emilio, her opposite. This is a riveting mystery wrapped in a dizzying adventure for those who dare to step onto the treacherous train.