Energy Wars

The Awakening

Children - Preteen
200 Pages
Reviewed on 09/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Tanja Jurkovic for Readers' Favorite

Energy is all around us; it forms a vital part of every plant, person, and thing in this world. When Myles witnessed an event at school in which one of his peers, Sally, became a target for bullies, he never thought that energy might be the driving force behind it. During that strange event at school, Myles thought he was losing his mind because he saw what appeared to be huge balls of energy crashing into her and everyone who got in the way. Not sure what to do with that newfound information about himself, Myles, together with Sally, his best friend Charlie, and with the help from his late grandmother's letters, discovers a whole new world of secrets, intrigue, and battles invisible to everyone else but him. Or so he thought. Will he be able to save the world and find out who he truly is in the process?

With immersive storytelling, Jodi Dee brings the topic of energy wars to a different level. The characters and the plot that revolves around them, building their lives and depicting their emotional states, create a solid foundation for an intriguing story that will slowly play out before the reader's eyes. The writing flows easily, and the atmosphere of all the situations that Myles has to go through to even start planning to save the world is realistic and transports the reader into this seemingly simple, ordinary world of a teen still searching for the reason for his existence. Energy Wars has an underlying important theme that tackles the topic of bullying in school, the relationships people choose to have with one another, and how that affects our lives and emotional states. The theme is so well embedded in the story that it feels relatable and genuine. I would recommend this wonderful and exciting book to everyone who needs an additional energy boost to tackle life and all the challenges it might bring.

Pikasho Deka

Energy Wars: The Awakening is a fantasy adventure by Jodi Dee. Myles is a fourteen-year-old eighth-grader whose life turns upside down when, one day, out of the blue, he suddenly starts seeing fireballs coming out of people around him. Myles quickly realizes that those fireballs represent people's feelings and words, and he is the only one who can see them. Myles reveals his newfound powers to his friends Charlie and Sally. After finding his grandmother's letters, Myles' abilities begin to evolve, and he discovers that he is an energy seer who must restore the balance of the world. When another one of his friends, Ethan, brings the new Zphone to school, Myles notices it drains the energy out of anyone nearby. Now, he must warn Ethan and find a way to stop these phones from draining everyone's energy.

Energy Wars: The Awakening is a fantastic first installment in what promises to be an absorbing sci-fi/fantasy series for teens and tweens. Fast-paced and entertaining from the first page to the last, Jodi Dee's captivating story keeps you hooked with a delightful combination of mystery, lore, and intrigue. At its heart, this is a superhero origin story. The main characters are immensely likable and act like kids around their age. Myles is a fascinating person and someone who goes out of his way to help others. I loved his friendships with Charlie and Sally, as well as his determination to help Ethan. The book ends on a cliffhanger, which made me even more interested in reading the sequel. On the whole, this is the perfect sci-fi/fantasy adventure book for children and young adults.

Anne-Marie Reynolds

Energy Wars: The Awakening by Jodi Dee is a tale of friendship and self-discovery. Myles is just a normal 13-year-old until the day he sees energy balls all around that become visible with different emotions. Only he can see them, though, and he now has to come to terms with his new power. Confiding in his best friends, they all band together to figure out how to use this power. When Myles puts it to the test, he learns a lot about energy and how it affects everyone and everything. As they delve deeper, Myles discovers something that changes how he sees the world.

Energy Wars: The Awakening by Jodi Dee is a stunning young adult paranormal thriller. It’s a fun story but it has several serious messages throughout. The most important one is about bullying, a message that tells kids bullying is not acceptable. But it’s also a journey of self-discovery, friendship, and empathy, and it teaches that words have an energy that can heal or hurt. This story is full of twists and turns, with plenty of action and clear dialog that makes it easy to follow. The characters are wonderful, and all kids will relate to them in some way. This is a highly imaginative story by an author whose work I have read before, but be prepared for a cliffhanger ending, leaving you desperate to read the next in the series. A great story that will resonate with youngsters everywhere, and it should be a part of every school and home library.

Jamie Michele

In Energy Wars by Jodi Dee, Myles witnesses a phenomenon where negative thoughts manifest as fireballs of energy exchanged between individuals, which begins with Sally Munson’s unusual appearance at school. His observation of these energy exchanges, particularly during verbal conflicts, leads him to extensive research on human energy fields, involving studies by Dr. Valerie Hunt and Dr. Masaru Emoto. Despite skepticism from friends, Myles learns that self-love can create a protective force field and that understanding these energy fields might explain his new ability to perceive them. He also connects with Lucy, a student who faces negativity. When Sally helps Myles sort through old boxes, they discover a seventy-year-old letter from Myles' grandmother. The letter reveals that he had a special purpose, and what is happening is not a coincidence.

Jodi Dee begins Energy Wars with a bang, kicking off with tones of mystery and suspense that immediately engage and set up a sense of urgency that continues through the book. I really enjoyed Myles' unique perspective and thought the dialogue between characters was consistently natural and realistic. The way characters interact, joke, and express concern for each other reflects authentic behavior, grounding the plot in reality even as it explores fantastical elements. Where Dee shines as an author is in her ability to thread symbolism through her work, with Myles's supernatural "Energy Wars" serving as a brilliant metaphor for the emotional and social conflicts typical of adolescence. Dee allows readers to explore themes of anger, bullying, and the unseen emotional battles that occur in everyday life. The pace is quick, the writing is clean and totally engrossing, and the ending both satisfies and flirts with room to expand. Very highly recommended.

Frank Mutuma

In Energy Wars by Jodi Dee, Myles lives with his father and his granddad. He doesn’t spend much time with his dad, but his granddad is a good influence on him. One day, as Myles is in school, he starts to notice a strange phenomenon between Tommy and Sally as they disagree. Fireballs of energy bounce and hit each other. Soon Myles realises it’s not an isolated event, and he can see it around other people. Once at home, Myles is determined to investigate; he goes to the library and accesses information on various subjects. He reads Dr. Hunt's work on the bioenergy field; she also discusses how various foods affect the energy field. Another research note is that of Dr. Emoto on how positive and negative words affect molecules.

Energy Wars by Jodi Dee is not just a book for teens. The various issues covered are of consequence to society in general. I believe our social responsibility is not to cause misery. Loving oneself from the inside and not letting negativity from others affect one is a step in the right direction in creating a holistically healthy society. I loved the emphasis on tolerance and diversity and the importance of acknowledging and embracing the changes in the world on social issues like marriage. This thought-provoking work also got me thinking about how the increase in stress in the current world has contributed to the rise of mental health issues and diseases. Jodi also used easy-to-understand language, which made the book effective in passing on the intended message and accessible to all kinds of readers.