Financial Independence for Millennials

Unlock Your Freedom

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
221 Pages
Reviewed on 10/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

During my forty-plus years of counseling, one of the most frequently discussed topics was finances. Schools do not prepare young people to handle finances properly. To help develop this vital life skill, Cactus Sun Publication presents Financial Independence for Millennials: Unlock Your Freedom. This book includes everything from starting with the basics and then moving on to investments, real estate investing, debt management, credit building, and planning for early retirement by being financially independent. Financial projects use many acronyms, so the authors include the acronym and then explain its meaning. As you read this book, you are given many activities to put your newfound knowledge to work. Millennials can relate to the examples used. This book can lead you toward achieving the financial life you have always wanted. No matter where you are financially, this book will lead you further. Now is the time to make your future possible by becoming financially informed and responsible.

I trained in financial counseling under the tutelage of Larry Burkett and Christian Financial Concepts. Since then, I have helped hundreds of people work out budgets and learn how to handle money. I must say that Financial Independence for Millennials by Cactus Sun Publications is one of the best books I’ve seen to help young people become financially successful. The writing style is down-to-earth, with examples that echo with young adults. All concepts are thoroughly explained and then reinforced with activities. Because most people don’t start trying to master their finances until after they are deep in debt, this book describes how to manage debt and build credit. This book will be one of the most helpful books you have ever owned by giving you the knowledge and tools to change your financial situation.