Forensics III

They Got Fifteen Minutes of Fame From the Way They Died

Non-Fiction - True Crime
398 Pages
Reviewed on 07/01/2024
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Author Biography

Harry A. Milman, PhD, is a pharmacologist, toxicologist, and cancer expert with more than fifty years of experience at the US National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health, the US Environmental Protection Agency, and As an expert witness, Dr. Milman has assisted in over three hundred and fifty civil, criminal, and high-profile legal cases and has testified at trials and depositions.

Dr. Milman is the author of the bestselling books Forensics: The Science Behind the Deaths of Famous People and the sequel Forensics II: The Science Behind the Deaths of Famous and Infamous People. Dr. Milman has also authored two award-winning mystery novels—A Death at Camp David, winner of Best Mystery Novel in the 2018 Book Talk Radio Club Awards, and Soyuz: The Final Flight, a finalist for Best Second Novel in the 2018 Next Generation Indie Book Awards and for Best Science Fiction Novel in the 2018 Book Talk Radio Club Awards.

Besides his bestselling books, Dr. Milman has edited five science books, authored more than seventy scientific articles, and has appeared as a toxicology expert on the History Channel, the Oxygen Channel, television and radio news programs, true-crime television shows, and numerous podcasts.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Danelle Petersen for Readers' Favorite

Intriguing and gritty, Forensics III: They Got Fifteen Minutes of Fame From the Way They Died by Harry A. Milman offers an extensive look into what goes on behind the scenes of a murder investigation. The author not only puts the process into three concisely written categories but explains it in terms that are understandable for those not familiar with medical terminology. I've learned a lot from this book and admire Harry's impartial take on all the cases. It was glaringly obvious that people got off not because they were innocent, but because of their status, with the OJ Simpson case being one of them. It is shocking to learn how many senseless killings take place and how twisted the human mind can be. Callous murderers kill for personal gain or just out of pure jealousy and spite and then the murderers get off due to shoddy police work.

I was impressed with Harry A. Milman's investigative skills and the thought he put into writing this book. One can derive from these attributes that he is a reputable source. Interestingly, Forensics III also exposes how corrupt and biased the justice system can be, with certain cases getting more attention, unfortunately. Catching a killer is hard work and I feel that people should be more appreciative of the work investigators do, being as dedicated as they are. Harry has helpfully placed references in the notes section if readers want to pursue the victims’ stories further. I recommend this book to readers interested in pursuing a career in law or pathology, or even if just a fan of true crime.