Full Circle

Public Service

Fiction - Science Fiction
325 Pages
Reviewed on 10/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Bernadette Longu for Readers' Favorite

Full Circle: Public Service by Alfred Taylor starts in 1897 with the sighting of the first UFOs. Mark and Jane have been turned into androids and sent into the world to stop Romanji from sending androids into the world as we know it to change the course of history to suit his evil plans. The crash of one craft leads the main characters to go back in time to find out where the UFO came from and who was sending it. This has the main characters Mark and Jane traveling to Iceland and being pushed into a deep crevasse in the Langjokull Glacier. The further they walk into the crevasse and under the glacier, the deeper they go. They discover a world under the glacier and how it is linked to the surface and the world as we know it. The story then proceeds most unusually and the journey continues with Mark and Jane until a very unexpected ending.

Full Circle: Public Service by Alfred Taylor is a riveting science fiction story that involves UFOs of a human nature, metals from a different era, undersea islands, and places where people live in fear and dominance by those who want more than they need. From the very first page, the author holds the reader's attention as the story slowly starts to unfold. It was an excellent read. The way the two stories develop and mesh is most intriguing and exciting. This was an interesting and fun book. I found that once I started reading, it was hard to put down and quite a few scenes stayed in my mind long after I finished that chapter. An imaginative read that I really enjoyed. Well done.