Grandpa Groundhog

Children - Fable
36 Pages
Reviewed on 06/09/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

Grandpa Groundhog is a heartwarming children’s picture book written and illustrated by Kevin Geiger. It tells the story of two grandpas, one who lives above ground and another who lives below. The above-ground grandpa is grumpy and tries to tend to his garden, but is constantly disrupted by the underground groundhogs, initially perceived as pests. However, through a series of events and interactions, the above-ground grandpa comes to understand and appreciate the groundhogs' unique perspective and skills, ultimately leading to a beautiful collaboration between the two grandpas. As the seasons change, the memories of the above-ground grandpa's life and legacy continue to flourish, nourishing the bond between him and his underground friend, Grandpa Hog. The tender relationship they shared, built on friendship and compassion, serves as a reminder of the enduring power of love and connection across even the most unlikely of boundaries.

Grandpa Groundhog is a heartwarming tale that celebrates the special bond between humans and animals, exploring themes of friendship, community, and coexistence. The story is inspired by the author's father's real-life relationship with a groundhog that lived in their backyard, adding a touch of authenticity to the narrative. With its calm tone, abstract art, and engaging questions at the end, this is an interactive and enjoyable read that will captivate young readers with its relatable characters and unexpected emotional plot twists. The two grandpas have unique personalities, and their unlikely bond is a powerful reminder of the importance of friendship and connection across generations. Kevin Geiger's gentle narration and the heartwarming moments make it a perfect read-aloud for family story time or an enjoyable solo read for kids. This is a must-read for anyone who loves emotionally engaging tales.