Grief Blessings

A Story of Unimaginable Grief and Unexpected Blessings

Non-Fiction - Grief/Hardship
98 Pages
Reviewed on 07/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Grief Blessings: A Story of Unimaginable Grief and Unexpected Blessings is a work of non-fiction in the grief and hardship, self-help, and motivational writing genres. It is suitable for the general adult reading audience. Author Mal Moss narrates a 15-year journey through deep grief and unexpected blessings after the loss of her daughter, chronicled originally on the blog My Soul Speaks. Mal Moss's narrative is a poignant exploration of navigating unimaginable grief and discovering unforeseen blessings along the way, and the book not only honors the memory of Moss's daughter but also celebrates the strength found in community and support.

Author Mal Moss bares heart and soul in this work to craft a deeply moving book, navigating through the raw emotions of loss and the transformative power of resilience. What struck me most profoundly was Moss's candid portrayal of grief as a defining moment that shapes the future, which opens up an unexpected array of optimistic, future-focused realities that we so often overlook when grief shuts our world down. Her journey from despair to finding glimmers of hope and eventual acceptance is both heart-wrenching and inspiring, and the narrative flow is beautifully honest and warm. The author's vulnerability in sharing her struggles and the resources that helped her cope add authenticity to the narrative, offering solace and guidance to others facing similar challenges in a heartfelt, personal way. The journey toward creating a new normal amidst grief is depicted with sensitivity, illustrating the profound impact of loss on identity and purpose. Overall, Grief Blessings is firmly rooted in healing and transformation, and I would highly recommend it to anyone struggling with grief, and those who want to support others.