
Love and Lies in La-La Land

Fiction - LGBTQ
313 Pages
Reviewed on 06/19/2024
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Author Biography

Mo Fanning is a part-time novelist, part-time stand-up comic and full-time ageing homosexual. He currently lives in the Black Country backwater town of Stourbridge but aspires to something more rural without neighbours.

With a unique talent for blending romance and comedy in intriguing settings, Mo is an emerging voice in the contemporary fiction scene and aims to be the best-known writer of LGBTQ romance.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Bernadette Longu for Readers' Favorite

In Husbands: Love and Lies in La-La Land, author Mo Fanning has written a fast-moving adventure, with a bit of mystery and romance. The main character Kyle MacDonald has an innate tenancy to believe the good in people and trust what they tell him. Kyle does question his decisions after the fact and often finds himself in the most unusual and nail-biting situations. All the characters in this book lead the reader on a fast-paced journey through the United States from one side and back again. Once started, this book is very hard to put down as it draws the reader in to find out if Kyle is going to get himself out of the situations he lands in. I loved this book, especially the main character Kyle who is naive in the most delightful way.

Mo Fanning has taken a subject that is very much in the news especially relating to all youth of today not only the LGBTQ group, and how there are people in the world who will use the vulnerability of young adults to their advantage and hang the consequences. The author uses Kyle's adventures to help the reader understand how easy it is to follow the wrong path and sometimes how difficult it is to get out of the situation once in it. The main character is so likable and the situations he gets himself into are very funny and sad at the same time. It also lets the reader see how people take advantage of the good nature of others and most young people are trusting of adults as they think adults know best. The author shows that when decisions are made on a whim, some may take a turn for the worse. Husbands is well worth more than one read and is recommended not only for young adults. I think some adults can benefit from reading this most unusual and interesting, well-written book. I look forward to reading more by this author.