Immortality Bytes

Digital Minds Don't Get Hungry

Fiction - Science Fiction
345 Pages
Reviewed on 08/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Romuald Dzemo for Readers' Favorite

Immortality Bytes: Digital Minds Don't Get Hungry by Daniel Lawrence Abrams tautly examines the consequences of technological advancements and their impact on human society. Set in a near-future world, the story revolves around the lives of several characters, including Stu, an AI programmer; Maria, an activist; and Roxy, a brilliant CEO/scientist. Stu is a part-time influencer doing everything to find his footing in a world where AI is taking the lead and robots are claiming more jobs. With his ex-girlfriend about to complete the technology to perfect electronic immortality, the stakes are as high as the opportunities. A billionaire has offered to buy Roxy’s company, and the rival, a billionaire who might end up in jail for fraud, proposes an irresistible deal to Stu: steal Roxy’s work. Can he do it?

Immortality Bytes is perfect for fans of science fiction, technology, and novels brimming with relevant social commentaries. Daniel Lawrence Abrams infuses the writing with twists and creates elaborate, believable characters. The prose is crisp and loaded with descriptions. The novel raises important questions about the consequences of creating artificial intelligence, the ethics of immortality, and the impact of technological advancements on our daily lives. The conflict is developed at multiple levels, and the author’s exploration of the effect of AI on human society is thought-provoking. Stu's struggles to find funding for his AI research and his desire to make a positive impact on the world are relatable, and his girlfriend Maria's passion for social justice and her willingness to challenge the status quo are inspiring elements that enhance the plot. The three-dimensional characters and the author’s deft orchestration of the plot to an unpredictable denouement will leave readers questioning everything they’ve learned about the impact of science.

Christian Sia

Immortality Bytes: Digital Minds Don't Get Hungry by Daniel Lawrence Abrams is a unique science fiction narrative that transports readers into a future setting where high technology clashes with humanity. The plot follows Stu, an AI programmer and part-time influencer driven by the desire to make a name for himself in AI programming. Roxy, his demisexual ex-girlfriend, thrives in her work and brilliant innovation with a project of making immortality possible. When Gwendolyn, a wealthy woman, offers to buy Roxy’s digitized mind company, a powerful rival plans to steal her work, and he wants Stu to help him. Follow Stu as he navigates a world of powerful and deadly men. Will he sacrifice his conscience for his ambition to succeed?

Each character is robust and driven by something that compels them. While Stu wants to stand out as an innovator, his girlfriend, Maria, is motivated by her desire to impact the world positively. She is passionate about social justice and wants to use her platform to promote change. Chuck, the charismatic billionaire, is motivated by his self-interest and desire for power. He will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, even harming others. Gwendolyn, the businesswoman, is motivated by her desire for success and wealth. She is ruthless in pursuing profit and will stop at nothing to get what she wants. These characters are multidimensional and flawed, each navigating a futuristic world where technology has advanced significantly. The setting is a blend of high-tech gadgetry and old-fashioned human struggles. Images of the cityscape show a mix of old and new buildings, with autonomous construction robots building new structures. The atmosphere is one of constant change and innovation. Conflict in Immortality Bytes is cleverly handled, and Stu’s moral dilemmas will enthrall readers. The novel develops the theme of conflict between technology and humanity. As technology advances, humans are forced to adapt to new ways of living and working. The story is deftly plotted, and the tension grows through complex, evolving relationships. It is a must-read for futuristic science fiction fans, a tale with memorable characters and thought-provoking themes.

Ruffina Oserio

Immortality Bytes: Digital Minds Don't Get Hungry by Daniel Lawrence Abrams introduces readers to a near-future world dominated by AI robots. Stu Reigns is a part-time influencer and a confident yet underachieving AI programmer. Brilliant CEO plus scientist and Stu’s “gray ace” demisexual ex-girlfriend, Roxy Zhang, is about to perfect electronic immortality. When a rich Southerner offers to buy Roxy’s company, a powerful rival facing conviction for fraud coerces Stu to steal it. Can Stu succeed, what are the consequences of this daring plan, and what can go wrong?

Immortality Bytes by Daniel Lawrence Abrams is a thought-provoking and satirical novel that examines the intersection between humanity and mortality and explores themes of artificial intelligence, immortality, and the consequences of playing with the fabric of reality. Stu is a well-developed character, struggling to find his place in the world. His penchant for philosophical musings and witty one-liners elevates the entertainment factor of this novel. The use of satire is masterful, and readers will feel engaged as the author makes fun of the excesses of modern society and how technology has warped our perceptions of reality. The depiction of a future where humans increasingly rely on digital interfaces and automation is eerily prescient, and its commentary on the commodification of attention and the erosion of meaningful human connection is spot-on. The narrative presents rock-solid characters, from the intelligent Roxy to Chuck, the charismatic serial fraudster and billionaire, to Maria, the anti-immortality protest and SJW activist. The relationships are complex and cleverly depicted. The narrative is twisty, and the short chapters make it even more enjoyable.

Divine Zape

What if science can make immortality a reality? In a future setting, science has advanced tremendously to the point that humans rely mostly on AI robots. AI programmer and part-time influencer Stu struggles to define his place in this society. His demisexual ex-girlfriend, Roxy, is a brilliant scientist and CEO who is developing a revolutionary technology that makes immortality possible. While some people opposed immortality, Roxy might have found her biggest bet in an offer from Gwendolyn – old money — who is bent on acquiring Roxy’s “digitized mind” company. Meanwhile, Pyotr, a Russian operative mobster, attempts to steal Roxy’s tech. In this twisty tale where interests override the desire for the common good, a serial fraudster billionaire wants Stu to steal Roxy’s work for him. Immortality Bytes: Digital Minds Don't Get Hungry by Daniel Lawrence Abrams takes readers on a tantalizing ride into a future that can be ours.

Daniel Lawrence Abrams’ work is original, and the narrative voice is unique, drawing readers into the characters' inner worlds. The author gives the characters intriguing motivations, from a Russian mobster with a sick mind to Stu and Maria, the anti-immortality protester, SJW activist, and Stu’s girlfriend. Each character is stunningly imagined and brilliantly written, with compelling backgrounds and complex relationships. The plot has surprising and engaging points and much for readers to think about — exploring the blurred lines between reality and appearances. Immortality Bytes is a science fiction narrative that cleverly examines the impact of AI on human society. The book offers thought-provoking observations about life in a world where AI replaces human connection and greed dictates the choices of most characters. It was a thought-provoking read, infused with realism and offering a compelling image of a world we might be walking toward.

K.C. Finn

Immortality Bytes: Digital Minds Don't Get Hungry by Daniel Lawrence Abrams is a science fiction novel set in a near-future world where AI and robotics have created mass unemployment, leading to a dystopian society softened by universal basic income and artificial leisure. The story follows Stu Reigns, an idealistic AI programmer, and his ex-girlfriend, Roxy Zhang, who is on the verge of perfecting digital immortality. Their lives are thrown into chaos as powerful forces, including corrupt billionaires and rival tech moguls, compete to control this groundbreaking technology.

Author Daniel Lawrence Abrams has a great perspective and sharp attitude that hits you full force with dark humor, social commentary, and thrilling twists on traditional sci-fi and technologically-themed writing. This creates a thought-provoking narrative that challenges the reader's views on technology, immortality, and societal values as it explores a much darker side of chasing tech and money. We’d all like a lazier, easier life, or so we think, but when it’s presented in this novel, there’s a powerful sense of emptiness and purposelessness that Abrams captures with great emotional skill. His ability to create a diverse and compelling cast of characters helps us to relate these futuristic issues to the here and now as we emote along with Stu and Roxy. The author’s sharp, satirical style also lends itself to their dialogue exchanges for some amusing and witty banter. Overall, Immortality Bytes is a standout work in contemporary science fiction for its emotive and original treatment of AI and technological themes, and I would certainly recommend it to fans of dark, witty, and intelligent dystopian writing.