Fiction - Adventure
273 Pages
Reviewed on 08/31/2024
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Author Biography

David Buzan is an award-winning novelist and optioned screenwriter. He's had work published in "American Cinematographer," "Film Score Monthly," "This Week Magazine," among several others. David is a graduate of the Vancouver Film School, and also holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology from Liberty University. He and his wife currently reside in Keizer, Oregon.

"In the Lair of Legends" is his debut novel.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

In The Lair of Legends by David Buzan is a meticulously written work of fiction. Lieutenant Winterhawk is trying to escort gold earmarked for the federal reserve. It was after the American Civil War, and his great deeds in the war are still well respected. General Ramon, a self-proclaimed "confessor," keeps a journal of the last words spoken by those he has killed, which is quite a high number. With the help of the Zouave and his militia, will he get his hands on the gold he believes belongs to Mexico? Meanwhile, in Oregon, where the lumber industry is booming, a mythical creature roams the land, killing people.

In The Lair of Legends by David Buzan was an adventure without having to leave my couch. The most interesting part of the book is its plotline, which is diverse and flawless. Buzan has also managed to utilize suspense to great effect. I loved how vivid he was with the explanations. The events and emotions of the characters are well described; it's like watching a movie. This book is entertaining and provides the reader with a glimpse of Native American culture and their thoughts on issues such as the Civil War, Christianity, and how the settler migrations affected them. I also loved how Buzan utilized stylistic devices such as flashbacks and flashforwards to fill the reader in. This book is a must-read. I can't wait to read something else from David Buzan.